post your eel pics


Active Member
I love eels, and I'd love to get a moderately aggressive eel for my 75g tank - preferably something not terribly common. Post some pics of your eels.


Active Member
Not terribly unusual but here's my SFE and Wolf Eel. By the way, the wolf is really a carpet blenny but acts like an eel and is very active. Can hold his own eating with anything in the tank.


Here's our occelated morey (27" maximum) and although somewhat piscevorious, doesn't bother any of his tank mates (it IS a large tank though, 300 gals) the pic, he's eating a 5" shrimp.
His name is "Hannibal", by the way, as he was locally captured and bit half-way through my finger in the process.
He was also eating less than 1/2 hour after being introduced to the tank.


And here's our Wolf eel, in the same tank.....Wolfie is almost 4 years old now, 18" long and probably about 1 1/2 lbs.


Active Member
Conogre, your wolf looks great. At 18" and 1.5lbs, how big around is that guy? Must be beefy:eek:
heres my Fimbriated Moray. He is a cool moray. But i wouldn't put him in a tank with any small fish.
Thats a big wolf !!


Active Member
Cool! Great thread! Love all your eel pics:)
Here's one of mine...blackedge and tesselata. They are friends.