Post your FO pictures


I guess I'll start the picture thread on here. Basicaly post your pics of you FO or FOWLR tanks. I'll post mine a bit later because I have to get ready
First off, I'm glad they made a FO forum finally, I mean I guess most FO's go into aggressives but mine was never an aggressive tank.
Here's my old 125g (there are some corals in the pics but it never was a reef)


heart & sole

Originally Posted by Sooner_Reefer
First off, I'm glad they made a FO forum finally, I mean I guess most FO's go into aggressives but mine was never an aggressive tank.
Here's my old 125g (there are some corals in the pics but it never was a reef)

Nice foxface..

heart & sole

Originally Posted by Sooner_Reefer
Thanks, when I took him into the lfs for trade when the guy opened the bucket he goes "Holy cow that's one big foxface!"

lol how big was he? Mine is really tiny only about 2" at best.


Here's my FOWLR. I have yet to get a decent FTS, but here are some of my fish that are in the tank currently. Is this a new forum? I can't remember if this was here previously. Regards, Tim



Wow...all of your tanks are amazing. I was going to post but I have a small 28 gallon with small fish.
Tim--what kind of fish is that in your fifth picture? Some kind of wrasse? Very pretty!


I was a bit concerned at first the PBT and Black tang would not stop harassing him and I had to seperate the Tinker's with eggcrate. I took the egg crate away four days later and they still gave him hell but that has all but has subsided and the Tinker's has begun to fight back which is a good sign. Also getting him to eat was difficult, which was a suprise to me. I asked the collector who i got him from about what i should feed him and he gave me a gel based recipe that RCT and the Waikiki aquarium uses and voila he eats everything now. I just went to my local bays to collect ghost shrimp and pods and he loved that. Regards, Tim


Here is mine as of to date. I am going to add a few Star Polyps and some mushrooms but not any kind of reef. I really like the lower maintenance of a FOWLR. Anyway here is mine... It's a 55g if you can't tell.
