Post Your Money Saving Tips!


Active Member
Eat week old stale bread that you canget for 25 cents a loaf at stale bread store, sell tank critters, and drain and empty tanks, selll all other pets.....quite job, live off land, a 10 cent bullet gets a lot more bang for the buck than $3.50 a gal for gas gets, plant veggies and water the veggie garden, as veggies taste better than Bermuda grass or Roses.........sell the SUV, buy a bicycle, Only eat meat 2 times a week, as a treat, and make sure that meat is vienna sausages one day and spam the next. Potted meat is saved for holidays.....sink yur boata, convert it to a reeef for the fishes.......If dog food is good enough for the pet we had then its good enough for the youngins as well..........Disconnect the ISP, Direct TV, Cable they all consume power and resources.......noi need for land line and cell phone, drop land line carrier and stay with pay as you go cell.......
To be honest, folks can do what they want. I came too far and enjoy myself toomuch, so I do what I want to do, not what folks thinks needs to be done. That itself is the American Way, bad as it may be, but I certianly did not come this far to retire and then restrict myself.........while most folks are still out there carving a living, supporting kids,and spending that plastic money and having a good time, without a dime in savings. My bills are paid, I owe no one for anythings, and am not about to leave my 2 boys a free ride, so I and the wife are gonna enjoy what we worked for.....without restricting our lifestyles.


Active Member
talk about a thread kill chip. why even post? brag a bit? i bet your coworkers love you! obviously this post has nothing to do with you.

anyways, we save tons because i love to cook and honestly don't like most restaurants food. around here most "chefs" are half my age though and pretty bad. we've started a mulch pit instead of buying dirt to fill in the yard and yes we do grow our own veggies. tastes one heckuva lot better when you find your particular strain. we like jetstar.