Post your nano pictures


Thanks! I love him too. Always wanted one but now that I have one I love him even more. He watches me as much as I watch him. It's cool when he blasts water at the anenome & the percs when they get to close to his den.


Active Member
i had a pearl jawfish and he was so awesome how he would just sitt there and stare. I also loved it when he spit the sand out of his cave after a hermit ran by and pushed in his hole. But for some odd reason my tank crased and everything died except for my anemone and my tomato clown. I still have not figured out why it crashed. But now it is up and runnin and doin good.


NewSchools, are those the original lights for that nano cube? im thinking about upgrading my 10 gallon tank to one of those and i wanna know the specs. of it. thanx. heres my tank sometime around january: