POST YOUR PIC of your tanks!!


Active Member
Here is my 12 gallon. My yellow polyps are getting out of control. I am going to trade one of them soon.


New Member
This is my AP 12gal. nothing much to see yet, it is 4 weeks old but its ready for a CUC this weekend!!



New Member
alright heregoes, 7 weeks, 1 scooter blennie,9 turbo snails,40lbs live rock,360 canisterfilter,metal halide lighting not sure of the exacts, prolly should look into it!lol. moonlights,20 lbs white sand,30 livesand. 1 powerhead! 125 gallons of space!



Active Member
Originally Posted by bknow
yeh im pretty's my 20 gallon i just started

Is your crab lazy :thinking: ? I just noticed he is takeing the taxi. lol
My 20G tank. It's my very first tank, and I'm going to get more rock and coral later this week. My fish are 1 Red Firefish, 1 Ocellaris Clown and 1 Royal Gramma. I know its not the best......but its the best I can do for now.


rabid frog

Active Member
Husker- You'll get some more color in there. It is good that your taking it slow, a lot of people dont.
Looks like your off to a good start, people are doing a lot of nice systems in the bio cubes. Keep up the good work!!