Post your pics!!!


Active Member
I keep seeing all these great shots, of people's tanks, in the reef section...but, let's see what we've got in the way of die-hard predator keepers, here. Post your pics!!
Here's a few of mine...



The tank looks really small in the pictures. Got any other full shots, very nice btw.


Active Member
Originally Posted by exile415
The tank looks really small in the pictures. Got any other full shots, very nice btw.

All head on shots. It's 48x30x30.


Great tank. You've got some nice lights for an aggressive tank. Displays your fish really well.


Active Member
NICE! Hey guys, question for ya. I had an eel and thought he was SOOOO cool until he got out of the tank and died. Now I am TERRIFIED of them. I was always afraid to put my hand in the tank. But hey, I was 9. My mom wont let me get another until I am out of the house. Here's the problem, I want another, but am still kind of scared by them. How can I overcome this? I want a tank like both yours AW2 and Jcrim. How do I prevent them from getting out and how do I keep my self from being afraid from getting bit?


I just cover all the holes in the top with some heavy tape. As far as fear of being bit, I've never had a problem with that. They are not really aggressive unless they are looking for food. When my hand's in the tank, if the eel starts to get curious and approach, I just waive my hand aggressively towards him and he backs off. I think the current created tells the eel that my hand is not food and is very large.
Just my humble opinion, but no aggressive tank is complete without an eel.


Active Member
I dont keep tops on my tank, at all. My eels have never even been interested in going anywhere where there wasnt rock.
I've hand fed both of my eels, but have come close, a few times, to being bitten. jcrim said...when one gets close, I wave my hand at them and they swim away.


Active Member
Thanks for the info guys. I think I will cover the HELL out of the tank with a TON of eggcrate (small enough so the eel cant get through) and an enclosed canopy, just so I can have some peace of mind. Thanks for the waving hand trick. Would u all recommend a fimbriated eel or no? This WONT be for my 55. I am planning on a MUCH larger tank. I was going to upgrade my 55 reef to a 150 gallon reef. But now I think I want to keep my 55 as a reef, and then get a 180-500 gallon aggresive tank. MAJOR MONEY going into this. But thanks for the info, now to persuade my mom...


Active Member
I wouldnt purchase anything that you dont already have the room for. I'm kind of a hypocrite, when I say that, as I have a Whitemouth Moray (4th pic) in the 200gal. and Whitemouth's max out around 5', I'll have to move him to another/bigger tank. But, I got him when I first got into the hobby, as a newbie mistake. If I knew what I know today, I never wouldve gotten him.
Fimbriated Morays grow to aprox. 32" - 36" and are killing machines. A buddy of mine had one that was aprox. 30" long and it ate an 8" Volitan Lion.
I'd suggest getting the tank first, and then choosing what fish you want.


Active Member
WOW!! I AM NOT buying anything for this tank yet livestock wise. I have talked to a local place and they can get me a 540 gallon for not too much money and I am good with building stands. So, this tank wont be up and cycled for probably a couple of years yet, but how does this list sound? What should I use for lighting/filtration/heating/ etc? Here's my proposed livestock list...what do ya think. Should I add anything? Take anything out?
1 radiata lionfish
1 blue ribbon eel (I know they are hard to keep, LFS commonly has eating frozen)
1 epaulette shark
1 banded cat shark
2 cali rays
1 sohal tang
1 blue tang
1 yellow tang
1 yellow tang
1 emperor angelfish
1 niger triggerfish


Active Member
This is my opinion, about your stock list...the ones where I dont have an a statement next to it would be fine, IMHO.
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
1 radiata lionfish - too small - would get eaten

1 blue ribbon eel - not with sharks

1 epaulette shark
1 banded cat shark
2 cali rays
1 sohal tang - very aggressive - might have trouble with aggressive towards shark or rays

1 blue tang
1 yellow tang
1 yellow tang
1 emperor angelfish - too aggressive to be kept with bottom dwelling sharks and rays

1 niger triggerfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
This is my opinion, about your stock list...the ones where I dont have an a statement next to it would be fine, IMHO.
Okay, so instead of the radiata, I would do a volitan. A snowflake in place of the blue ribbon, a powder brown tang in place of the sohal, a majestic or blueface in place of the emperor?


Active Member
So the list would be...
1 volitan lionfish
1 snowflake eel (I know they are hard to keep, LFS commonly has eating frozen)
1 epaulette shark
1 banded cat shark
2 cali rays
1 powder brown tang
1 blue tang
1 yellow tang
1 blueface or majestic angelfish
1 niger triggerfish
Sound good? Anything I should add or take? Can I add anything else? What do ya recommend for filtration/heating/lighting?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
a majestic or blueface in place of the emperor?

It's not just the's any large angel. They're just too territorial to be kept with sharks/rays. They have a nasty habit of going for the eyes, of sharks and rays, and picking them out, leaving your shark/ray blind.


My fuzzies... Have a P. miles on hold at the LFS... will have to take some pics when i pick him up... (saw him eat some krill and silversides yesterday, and wanted to wait til he had a bit of time to digest before i had him bagged up...)



Active Member
It's not what I would call aggressive But Maybe semi aggressive I will get some good pictures of My eel and some newer pics of the trigger
