Post your pics!!!


Active Member
A little off topic but I found this while looking for some pics of groupers [{link violation} NICE nano tank with a grouper If this tank has a grouper then there is no doubt about a clown trigger in a nano.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
This is my opinion, about your stock list...the ones where I dont have an a statement next to it would be fine, IMHO.
I thought you told me niger triggers would pick at sharks and rays?? :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
whats the dimensions of your tank AW2? :thinking: I hope its not a 4ft long tank?
If you go back to earlier posts, you'll see that I've posted the dimensions of my tank.
Originally Posted by Cartman101

I thought you told me niger triggers would pick at sharks and rays??
Sorry...I must have missed that one, in Space_Geek's wish list.


Active Member
My tank is 48x30x30...
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, considering the fact that one my eels is already maxed out, around 30" and the other maxes out around 48".


Active Member
i'm saying you better upgrade, with the length of your tank the eels will not be happy, especialy the one that maxs to 48''.


Active Member
That's why I made sure to get a tank that was 30" deep.....not 18" or 24".
Even if I didnt plan to upgrade, the Whitemouth would be just fine in that tank.


Active Member
these first two pics are my eel and scissor goby they are in love and shackin up under the same rock together
My wifes new dwarf lion, I bought it for her because she wouldn't get it because I don't like them . But he's growing on me
My niger trigger a little bigger and a bit bolder, he was spitting at me the other day
and again our new FDL


Active Member
Thanks everybody . The star is a chocolet chip star . I'll post a better pic later . That goby is not so tough . and the EEL is just a total sally unless its dead and chopped up in the blender.


Active Member
AW2 -
Fantastic tank! I certainly appreciate your experience and input on the boards. But you know, in the end, a picture puts it all in perspective. Very very nice!


Active Member
Thank you for the kind words. Coming from someone with your experiance and knowledge is certainly appreciated.
I had a rough start, getting into this hobby...did all the stupid things, like keeping a Banded Cat pup in a 55gal. tank, keeping Yellow Tangs in a 30gal, overstocking, not running a protien skimmer, never doing water changes...I could keep going. lol
But, I do take immense pride in my tanks, my fish and reading and researching, constantly. I'm probably one of the biggest fish nerds this board will ever see. :joy:


AW2, the first few pictures i can not see, i would love to see that tank, if you have the chance.


Originally Posted by mitzel
It's not what I would call aggressive But Maybe semi aggressive I will get some good pictures of My eel and some newer pics of the trigger

Nice tank but you need more lr.