post your triig pics here


since trigg have bin such a popular topic i thought I'd start one of these threads(that and i'm planning to get some my self and wanted to see some nice pics)


Active Member
Originally Posted by The Egregious
What species is it, I don't think I've even seen it before. (Sorry not a big trigger fan)
It's a Golden Heart Trigger....They are fairly new to the trade, they come from Africa, they are quite similar to the Queen Trigger (is what I have read anyway), they get to 24 inch in the wild and very aggressive as adults.


Active Member

Can't tell that the niger is my favorite can you ? These are actually some fairly old pictures of my 125 before I had to tear it down and get rid of it .
I miss it a lot .


Active Member
Thats pretty sweet El Guapo...What are the "greens" growing in there, looks like chaeto and something else, your Tang must have loved it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Thats pretty sweet El Guapo...What are the "greens" growing in there, looks like chaeto and something else, your Tang must have loved it.

There was cheeto chelurpa and even some grape micro in there . Funny thing the tang never ate it . The triggers on the other hand where all over it .


Active Member
Thanks . I say if your going to have a 55 than an undy is the way to go . I love them . i just like to keep more than one fish at a time . If I ever get a chance to up grade I will make the 75 into an undy tank .


here are a few pics of my picasso i picked up yesterday along with the pg in the pic and my nasty tomato clown.
