Post your worst In law story


Recent post made me think that this could be a funny/sad topic to start - what is the worst In-Law story you have ...
I will start Ill post 2
The first day I met my mother in law was on Easter in 1997. I was invited to a family dinner to meet everyone. On the way there my husband stopped to get gas. As soon as he got out of the car to pay for it my mother in law turns sideways in her seat and pulls her skirt down to show me her A^& and asked me - do I have a bruise right here? This was honestly maybe 15 minutes after meeting her
next - Pathetic story actually -
This year for labor day my husband children and I were supposed to go to MA to spend some time with my Mother in Law - unfortunatley tragedy struck my family and we had four deaths in one day on Sept 2nd. I called her to tell her we will not be coming up we need to stay close to home and deal with all of this. her response was they are dead you need to get over it and stop keeping my son from me. Labor day was on Sept 5th


Active Member
OMG :scared:
If I remember your story correctly......your sister and 3 children??? How on earth could anyone say that...........even if it were just 1 person passing away from old age.......still a major loss !!
How did your husband handle that one.


Active Member
background.......middle of a custody case between me and ex-wife
driving ex- MIL back to hotel she tells me "i hope you get custody.... your daughter would be better off"......"dont tell my daughter i said this cause i'll lie my a** off"..
that was an unconfertable moment.. never in 3 years had i ever heard her swear.


Active Member
ok, I got one.
My husband's mom is a little... off. In January, she called him just to chat (and she can keep you on the phone until your ear starts to bleed and there ain't a thing to do about it), but he was at work and told her he couldn't chat right then and hung up the phone. She spent the entire rest of the day phoning him and leaving nasty messages telling him how rude and disrespectful he was and how he should never tell her he has to go b/c she's his mother and she comes first no matter what.
He explained that he was at work and there were people in his cubicle and he answered the phone to make sure there was no emergency and he didn't think it was unreasonable to tell her he'd call her back. She kept flying off the handle; wouldn't hear any of it. He finally told her that he just wasn't going to answer the phone unless he had time to talk. She went ballistic. She even started calling MY cellphone and leaving messages begging me to tell him to call her and that she felt like she was loosing her son and could I please come to her rescue. Needless to say, I screened my calls.
For three months this woman harrassed us with phone calls, letters and e-mails. As nuts as she is, this was abnormal even for her. My husband kept calling her every week, as he'd always done, to say hello and chat, and she spent the entire time berating him.
Then one day.... she just stopped. My Husband called her a couple weeks ago for the traditional "hi howya doin" call, and it was as if nothing had ever happened. She still hasn't mentioned the three month episode. Not one peep. We are still baffled. :help:


Originally Posted by lovethesea
OMG :scared:
If I remember your story correctly......your sister and 3 children??? How on earth could anyone say that...........even if it were just 1 person passing away from old age.......still a major loss !!
How did your husband handle that one.
My husband told his mother - Oh Mom - I feel bad for you and what she is about to do ... and just handed back to phone to me - a half hout later after I was done "venting" He told her, you always told me to Marry a women that can stand up for herself
He was very mad at her - like I said in Sarah post my MIL makes hers look like a pussycat


Active Member
My worse: about 13 years ago husband and I were at a family party at the in-laws. There were about 50 of us there. One of the kids got gum on a wooden bench and I told my husband to go get some ice to harden it to get it off before someone sat on it. He went into the house and I started talkiing. I turned around and my husband was bent over getting the gum off. Well, I came up behind him and grabbed his butt, got quite the handful, leaned over and went to kiss him BUT it wasn't my was my father-in-law!
Of course everyone saw and burst out laughing. Just then my husband and his mother were came out of the house and wanted to know why everyone was laughing! That story gets repeated at EVERY get together now.
Needless to say I'm his favorite daughter-in-law! :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by scoobydoo
That story gets repeated at EVERY get together now.
Needless to say I'm his favorite daughter-in-law! :joy:



Active Member
Originally Posted by NW2SLTFSH
Now that is funny!
How did you recover in front of all those people from grabbing a handfull of F-I-L?
Just grabbed another beer and tried to keep my hands to myself the rest of the day!
He was actually cool about it. When I bent down to kiss him, I said Hi Honey, how are you? and he turned his head toward me and responded Hi Honey, I'm fine. Probably the most he got in years!


Not to bring anyone down but here's my story: I have no Mother-in-law as she passed away when my husband was a child. But my father in law was a hoot, he lived here in Texas while we lived in California. The husband and I would visit a couple of times a year had a wonderful time with him each visit, he always asked us about kids" when are you giving me my grandson?"
Well, I got pregnant and the plan was, after our SON was born to fly him out to see his first grandson. I held off on sending pictures of his namesake So that seeing the baby for the first time would be special. Well after receiving a letter from my father-in-law that he was upset we haven't sent him any pictures, I immediately sent him a beautiful "Grandpa picture"! My father-in-law received the picture in the mail one day before he had a massive heart attack and died!
Moral: life is to precious, live every day like you don't have a tomorrow!
here's a hug for you Big Jim, RIP!