Posting pictures


I tried the other day to post some pictures but I needed a web address can anyone help me I'm not to sure how to do this.


The window that pops on when you click on "post". You will see two sections, on "Title:" and the other "Message:". Under the "Message:", in the tools bar you will see where you select the font, size and than you see "A" than a smily face than a paper clip. Click on the paper clip, than a window pops on "Manage Attachments". Here you will see a box called "Upload file from your computer" to the right of that box you will will see a box called "Browse...". Click on this and it will take you to an explorer window "Choose File to Upload", serch your computer where the picture is located. Select the picture than click "Open". This will take you back to the "Manage Attachments" window. Than look for the "Upload" box and click. This will add the picture to the message. Look below this area and you will see "Current Attachment (39.5 KB)" this is the file and size it will attach to the message. Below that you will see "Attachment Key" here you can see the max size you can post and the type. Aslong as you do not remove the picture from it's current path it will show on your message.


or a even simpler way of doing it...get yourself a photobucket account there is both free and paid, i have paid $25 a year but, no ads no limits. i currently have over 19,000 pics uploaded. with PB it is so much easier to add a pic in forums then using the website's way, some dont even allow pic hosting on their servers.
with PB once u have your pic uploaded all you need to do is go to your PB page, choose the pic u wish to share right click and copy the "IMG Code" then come to the forum u wish to post on and right click/ paste the link and wamo! instant pic and it doesnt hog up the site server
