Potters Angel


New Member
If it is also called a dwarf pygmy angel and is purple and orange then I have one. Very cute and active fish. Likes lots of live rock, is always grazing. Will go after my clowns and blenny but doesn't show too much aggression. I have had this one for a couple of months and I think that it has doubled in size! Will be a small angel.


Active Member
I've kept a couple of them. Not a good beginner angel, and not a fish for a new tank. Their longevity in captivity is suspect and very few of them live past a couple years. With lots of live rock, a good varied diet and excellent water conditions, you have a better chance of keeping one.
It is not a pygmy angel, but one of the centropyge species. The pygmy is actually C. argi aka the cherub angel, also a centropyge but on the smaller side.