Potters Angel


Active Member
can i get some opinons on this fish?
Also from people who own them or have. i know that theyre difficult but i am willing to risk it. Because they are SOOOOOO beautiful!
my lfs has 2 right now


Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
can i get some opinons on this fish?
Also from people who own them or have. i know that theyre difficult but i am willing to risk it. Because they are SOOOOOO beautiful!
my lfs has 2 right now
How established is your tank?


Active Member
right now its about 6 months. I know they need an established tank and a lot of lr. plus i cant add one with the pygmy i have right now. JUst wondering for maybe a future fish..... 75 gallon


I work at my lfs and the potters we get usually do well for about a month or so before crappin out on us. This is probably due to the size of the tanks and the amount of stress from people always walkin by and staring at them. The people that bought them have told me that they are doing well and eating. I would suggest that you ask someone at your lfs if the angel is eating brine. If so, I see no problem in buying it. Just make sure it has plenty of swim space, plenty of hiding spots if necessary, and make ABSOLUTELY sure that you can feed her some frozen or live brine. But yeah I agree with you, these fish are beautiful!!! Good luck! MATT


Active Member
We had one, at my store, for close to 4 months. It was in a full blown 150gal. reef, 250lb rock, 3 x 250W MH, that had been established for over 3 years.
Tank mates were a Chocolate Tang, a school of Square Back Anthias, a pair of Blue Throat Triggers, a Lineatus Wrasse and a few others.
We got it in knowing their bad track record, for long term survival, but we were hopeful.
30 minutes out of the bag and it was eating everything from mysis to formula 1 and 2 and even sheets of nori.
4 months and going strong...then one day, dead.
I dont think they're a species that should be kept, no matter the maturity of the tank. Every person I've ever known, who's had one, has lost it...survival is usually 1 - 3 months.
They are absolutely spectacular looking fish. Every day I'd make the comment that I wish there was a Moray with the same coloration.


Active Member
Every day I'd make the comment that I wish there was a Moray with the same coloration.
That'd be so awesome!!!


Active Member
yea, i've read that potter's arent generally a good fish for most captivity tanks because they just keep dying. and to be a $50+ i'm not willing to spend the money on a fish i know is going to die, no matter how pretty it is.

mandarin w

Over the past few years I've know at least 12 people that have tried a potter. A few of these people were no where near newbie,and not one made it past 3 months. One of these guys had a 6year old 450 gallon reef. And his didn't make it. That was one I would have bet on.