Potters angelfish


I saw one of these fish in a DT in El Paso and thought they were just a gorgeous fish. I was wondering why are they 'expert only' care level? Anyone have one or had one? What was your experiance with them? Thanks

mr. limpid

Active Member
I had one for a short time. I was told the lighter the color the easier is to care for. He didn't eat right away, but did eat at the LFS. He grazed off of my live rock, I have 135gal. with 100 pounds of LR. The reason i don't have him anymore is that tank came down with ick treat all fish with copper. Not good this angle dosn't do well with copper like most angle's didn't make it. If you get it please QT and hypo. I learned the hard way.


Active Member
the other thread was here:

crypt keeper

Active Member
No problem. i didnt mean anything bad about guiding you on the other thread. It was just filled with a ton of information. Personally I would get a coral beauty. They look alike in many ways IMO and are much much more hardy.
They are rated difficult because you need to get them eating... If you want one, make sure the LFS feeds it in front of you, don't take it if you don't see it pellets, etc.
I have had mine for over 1 year, with no issues.
And I agree a very beautiful fish.