Potters/leopard Wrasse with Coral Branded Shrimp?


Is it ok to keep a wrasse that buries itself in the sand at night with a coral branded shrimp? My CB is pretty aggressive and is always trying to catch my fish, luckily they are too quick. I do have a potters wrasse, however, that seems to have a cut on his side from a likely CB attack. Will the CB try to attack him while he is buried in the sand?
Thanks in advance.


Originally Posted by matt2364
Is it ok to keep a wrasse that buries itself in the sand at night with a coral branded shrimp? My CB is pretty aggressive and is always trying to catch my fish, luckily they are too quick. I do have a potters wrasse, however, that seems to have a cut on his side from a likely CB attack. Will the CB try to attack him while he is buried in the sand?
Thanks in advance.
It is certainly a possibility. If he can get to him, a sleeping goby would be an easy target.


Active Member
i would try and catch the CB and get him out of there luckily thats what I did and ended up with 40+ zoos in my pocket lol..trade him, sell him, or give him away they are pests but really cool lookn creatures..


ClownFiSH11: It is really a hard decision. I really LOVE how he looks, but he is so hard to keep. He usually ends up fighting the other fish/Coral. I really love how he looks!


ohh man! My CB got ahold of my wrasse. He is beat up pretty bad, he is just laying on the sand. Is there anything I can do to help him out? I am working on catching the CB right now and getting rid of him for good though.


Active Member
ya i was lucky that I didnt have my tank going all well and stuff whne i got mine I took him out along with the damsels(another mistake) right away took him to the LFS and got some instore credit which i saved and used on i believe my yellow watchman...you should look into a watchman there great..


My cleaner shrimp was on top of him in the sand last night. Looked like he was trying to clean his wounds or something. Is this something they do, or did I just see/interpret it wrong?


Originally Posted by matt2364
My cleaner shrimp was on top of him in the sand last night. Looked like he was trying to clean his wounds or something. Is this something they do, or did I just see/interpret it wrong?
Cleaners will pick off dead skin. How badly is he wounded?


pretty badly. I think it is about a 1 and 20 chance he recovers. He was just floating upside down last night and every once in awhile he would swim around in circles. He looked like he was delusional or something, could not swim straight or anything.


Originally Posted by matt2364
pretty badly. I think it is about a 1 and 20 chance he recovers. He was just floating upside down last night and every once in awhile he would swim around in circles. He looked like he was delusional or something, could not swim straight or anything.
Ouch, it probably wouldn't even be beneficial to remove him into quarantine. The move would likely kill him. I am sorry.


When trying to remove the CB shrimp. Both of his pinchers just "fell" off. Is this some sort of a defense mechanism? Dropping his claws somehow would allow him to fit through smaller areas during an escape. Or did I just hit them against the glass with the net or something or they got tangled in the net and got ripped off. Either way, I am glad they are off, hehe. No more pinching for Mr. CB


Originally Posted by matt2364
When trying to remove the CB shrimp. Both of his pinchers just "fell" off. Is this some sort of a defense mechanism? Dropping his claws somehow would allow him to fit through smaller areas during an escape. Or did I just hit them against the glass with the net or something or they got tangled in the net and got ripped off. Either way, I am glad they are off, hehe. No more pinching for Mr. CB
I don't know about the defense mechanism, but they will be back with the next molt. Are you taking him to the LFS?


Not sure what I am going to do with him yet. Probably just keep him in the tank for a little while. At least until he grows his claws back, not sure if anyone would want him clawless. How long does it take for the claws to typically grow back. I would not mind just keeping him if I could just get the claws off every time they grow back.
Anyways, I just found my beloved potters wrasse getting eaten by a bunch of hermits...


Originally Posted by matt2364
Not sure what I am going to do with him yet. Probably just keep him in the tank for a little while. At least until he grows his claws back, not sure if anyone would want him clawless. How long does it take for the claws to typically grow back. I would not mind just keeping him if I could just get the claws off every time they grow back.
Anyways, I just found my beloved potters wrasse getting eaten by a bunch of hermits...
Ah, I am so sorry. You still want to keep him? CB's are not friendly critters. Those claws are not the only thing that they have going for them. The claws can't open that wide. That is not how he managed to beat the wrasse up so badly. The claws will be back on the next molt. Some shrimp molt weekly, others molt once a month. It depends on your water quality. If you have a fuge, he would be great in there. They are good shrimp that eat a lot.


What else would he have used to cut the wrasse? His other pinchers do not seem big enough to do the kind of damage that I saw.
I don't have a fuge yet, but I am hoping to set one up sometime soon. Will just be a pain in the ass to do because I will have to replumb everything.


when I went to get my CBS out to trade him he grabbed onto the net and ripped his claws off... he died the next day


mine seems to be doing too well for all the damage he has caused, lol. He is running around picking at the rocks and just having a grand old time.