Powder Blue Doing Flips?


I'm wondering if anybody can help me out. My powder blue tang keeps scratching itself on the sand. We've tried dipping him in freshwater (to get rid of any paracites), and then treating the water with medication (Copper), but that doesn't seem to get rid of his scratching. He doesn't seem to have any visible markings except that his color is a little lighter than usual. This has been going on now for a couple of weeks but we don't know how else to treat him.
P.S. we have a huma huma trigger in the tank also but he seems fine.


Active Member
Did you dose the copper in the display tank? Also FW dips are not that effective for ich and I think they cause more stress then anything. Tangs are notorious for ich.


My husband is the one who takes care of the tank but from what I can remember...yes. I don't remember him taking the fish out of the tank except for when he was dipped. I think his main reason for that was because we only have 2 fish in the tank right now.


Active Member
Ok well then the copper treatment may have been ineffective because the substrate can absorb much of the copper. Also more than likely if you ever planned on putting inverts in the tank you will not be able to now.


That's the thing, there are no visible white spots and when I read up on the scratching, I found that about four or more different things can cause the scratching. I want to treat him and get him back to normal before it's too late cause this behavior has been going on for weeks now.


So, u think another treatment of copper should be done? Are there any other medications we could use?
Also, is that okay...treating the display tank, or is that a big NONO? I mean we don't have too many fish right now but were afraid that the display tank might be contaminated and so we don't want to buy any more fish till this is resolved.


Active Member
Hmm..... Well I'm not an expert at this so I would wait until Beth or TerryB or someone who knows a little more about this reponds before doing anything. Read the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum, it will help answer some questions. Oh and Welcome to the Board