michelle l
My husband and I have been slowly working on stocking our 125 gal. FOWLR tank. To date we have:
1 3 to 3 1/2-inch Juvi Cortez Angel
1 Flame Angel
2 Perc. clowns
1 1-inch Green Chromis
1 large 5-6 inch Yellow Tang
We are considering one more fish. Hubby wants something blue, but definetely not damn-sels. He wanted a hippo tang, but I convinced him not to go that route (I am the caretaker of the tank, and didn't much feel like dealing with a fish that is so easily stressed.) After talking with a very respected LFS owner who told him the same thing about hippos, hubby changed his mind.
The LFS owner suggested a powder blue tang. I have always heard that they are hard to keep, but he seems to think that we have the ability to keep one successfully. (He's an excellent LFS owner and is very reputable..he doesn't suggest fish that he thinks isn't a good match to the customer.) He told us that he only purchases from one wholesaler who he has found to supply excellent, healthy powder blues, and right now the tsunami that happened a while back has limited what he can get for right now. He should be able to get one for us as soon as they get back on track, but he is unsure of when that will be. He won't purchase P. Blues from any other wholesaler.
Until then I wanted to do more research before I made the move. I LOVE powder blues, but our yellow tang is pretty large, and I am concerned that he wouldn't welcome a powder blue, even though they aren't the same body shape. Also, what are the common problems people here have had with keeping a powder blue? And, what have you found to make you successful at keeping one?
If we add one, what would be the best size to consider?
My husband and I have been slowly working on stocking our 125 gal. FOWLR tank. To date we have:
1 3 to 3 1/2-inch Juvi Cortez Angel
1 Flame Angel
2 Perc. clowns
1 1-inch Green Chromis
1 large 5-6 inch Yellow Tang
We are considering one more fish. Hubby wants something blue, but definetely not damn-sels. He wanted a hippo tang, but I convinced him not to go that route (I am the caretaker of the tank, and didn't much feel like dealing with a fish that is so easily stressed.) After talking with a very respected LFS owner who told him the same thing about hippos, hubby changed his mind.
The LFS owner suggested a powder blue tang. I have always heard that they are hard to keep, but he seems to think that we have the ability to keep one successfully. (He's an excellent LFS owner and is very reputable..he doesn't suggest fish that he thinks isn't a good match to the customer.) He told us that he only purchases from one wholesaler who he has found to supply excellent, healthy powder blues, and right now the tsunami that happened a while back has limited what he can get for right now. He should be able to get one for us as soon as they get back on track, but he is unsure of when that will be. He won't purchase P. Blues from any other wholesaler.
Until then I wanted to do more research before I made the move. I LOVE powder blues, but our yellow tang is pretty large, and I am concerned that he wouldn't welcome a powder blue, even though they aren't the same body shape. Also, what are the common problems people here have had with keeping a powder blue? And, what have you found to make you successful at keeping one?
If we add one, what would be the best size to consider?