Powder Blue or Regal Tang


I have a 5 foot 120 gallon tank with 2 clown fish and a six line wrasse. I want either a Regal Tang or a Powder Blue Tang.
I am looking for opinions and experiences on both fish. I had a 55 gallon tank for over a year and had great experience with that tank and the fish in there. I have about 75 lbs of live rock and a wet dry filter. The fish I want in this tank is as follows
2 perc clowns
1 sixline
1 yellow Tang
either a Powder Blue or Regal tang
1 Flame Angel
So which fish will be more compatiable with the other tankmates? I appreciate opinions and experiences.


Active Member
Insted of a powered blue maybe a powered brown. I had a blue and he just swam around really really fast all the time. I have a regal and I really like him, but man look at him wrong and he has ick.
Get a small regal they are pretty easy.


i have a 7" powder blue and hes a great fish. Hes entertaining swims alot and isnt to shy. But yea he swims around back and forth and grazes alot.


Hey Jwtrojan44, I was thinking about getting the Emperor angel a month ago and you advised me against that too. Thanks for the advice. That's why I ask. So what other bigger Fish could I get with the Yellow Tang?
So far I have the clowns and six line...
So it will be
2 clowns
1 six line
1 Yellow tang
1 Flame angel in a few months
I would like to have another bigger fish.
There will be no coral just live Rock and snails, crabs, etc..


i love powder blues but all i need to say is said with this picture:
her name is dory and she is a 10" Regal Tang


I have a clown tand powder blue and hippo in the same tank, have had them all for over 2 yrs, amazingly they have never had ick once.
They are not aggressive towards each other either.