Powder Blue Tang... Can I get One?


you may have problems adding another tang to your tank - typically they would need to be added at the same time to avoid the aggressive behavior although even that is not a certainty. Additionally if you plan to keep them "forever" they will be a little crowded in that tank at full size. You can definitely ad a flame angel and IMO they are very nice looking fish and sometimes quite entertaining. In my main floor tank I have a flame that plays constantly with my six line wrasse and plays "peek-a-boo" with me ducking in and out of reef.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Hmm... so I shouldn't?
I think this is one of the many "iffy" areas....you do your research and make your decision; based on your willingness to take some risk. Often, these two fish do not along and often they do.


Active Member
Hey Clown Boy. I had a yellow tang (same family as Purple) in a smaller tank for about 4 months. Then put it in my 135 gallon tank after it cycled where he was the only tang for another month or so. I then added a Blue Hippo and those two were like brother and sister, couldn't separate them. Never any agression from the larger yellow tang that had been king of both tanks....I personally say go for it.
When I get my 220 set up in San Antonio, I plan on putting a powder blue and achilles in there (and was thinking of a clown tang also, but those guys are a little too aggressive for my taste). It is also only a 6 foot tank
Pretty sure the Tang Police will come in and chastize me for my choice, but I can care less to what MOST people have to say on here about choice of fish. I have seen many do more with less...so to speak. There will always be someone with something negative to say about what you or I or anyone else is doing.
I have learned that many, not all, but much of the advice given here is strictly personal opinion. And if you have the money and you know they will be compatible, why not try?
I would go for the powder blue personally, but make sure you do your homework on them. They are definitely a tough breed of fish, but more striking than the Blue Hippo. My old boss has had 3 of them die on him...couldn't tell you what he did, but I know he has been in the hobby for well over 25 years.


He'll hold his own with the others.
If you get him from your lfs get them to feed him in front of you. See if he's finicky or bold. The flame will be fine added before or after. Mine graze together all day long.