Powder Blue Tang Coloration Question...for those who have had or have powder b tangsn

Hey guys
I bought a really good looking powder blue tang last week and got him in on wednesday. He is 2.5 inches and doing well. He is eating algae and staying active. Most powder blues that I have seen have a dark black mask. Mine is not so dark instead it is a little more pale. My water parameters are in great standing and are exactly up to par.
I have had one powder blue tang before him and he died about three days later. The last one never ate but the one I have now is eating a lot.
Just curious about his mask coloration. Hopefully it's normal at a juvinile stage.
thanks for the replys

noah's nemo

Its may be due to stress.These fish are hard to keep also.Good luck with him.I have always wanted one,but they just do not have a good track record in captivaty.


Active Member
I think it is probably just a color variation in your fish. Here is one from another site where the dark blue has some lighter in it. Just keep an eye on it, if it is eating like you say probalby no worries.
Thanks for the reply. I think he may still be a little stressed. At least I don't see any white spots on him. It seems like he looks more pale in the morning when the lights come on but throughout the day his colors become darker. I dunno, just my perception.


Hi, im not sure how much this will help you but Ive read that powder blues can change color due to thier moods. Ive read this several diff places and herd it around work, I work at a pet store. Ive seen a few we get change from a nice darker shade to more pale for a while. Id say its due to stress but everyone always tells me these fish change time and time agian!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
Its may be due to stress.These fish are hard to keep also.Good luck with him.I have always wanted one,but they just do not have a good track record in captivaty.
Maybe I get lucky. I feel like I know what Im doing. Mine is doing great.
Anyway this color pattern will turn to normal in a week or two. Just feed him some meaty foods and get him on some algaes. Once he settles in he will be fine
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Maybe I get lucky. I feel like I know what Im doing. Mine is doing great.
Anyway this color pattern will turn to normal in a week or two. Just feed him some meaty foods and get him on some algaes. Once he settles in he will be fine
Yeah, so far so good.
He is getting a fuller color. He is eating voraciously. He is getting along with all my inhabitants. The pale color concerned me but I believe it is due to stress. If I can keep him for a long time, I will feel better about how far I have made it in this hobby.

Success is such a great reward in this hobby!