Powder Blue Tang question


I am thinking of getting a powder blue as my 1st fish in my 180g tank . I am going to QT this fish for a minimum of 4 weeks due to the problem of parasites this fish can bring with it .
Question : does anyone have any suggestions on a powder blue tang or experiences that could help my decision. Only if you have had one or currently had one please .... Thanks for the help


A powder blue would be one of the last fish I would add. In my past experiences they become very territorial & will use those blades on his tail to do damage, if not death, to any new additions. What other fish are planning on adding later?


I was planning on the powder for minimum of 6-8 months so it gets comfortable in the 180g . I might add a Angel after I see things have been stable .
This will be a reef , so more interested in corals and a couple fish ....


Keeping that fish for 6-8 months alone is a bad idea. He will own that tank and torcher/kill anything that arrives after it. Admittadly it's a very cool fish but you should definitely wait to put it in as one of the last, if not the last fish in the tank. Sometimes we gotta look at what we need to do before we look at what we want to do. Get a basic idea of the fish you want to keep in there. Do some reading to find good order to put them in. Good rule of thumb...Least aggressive first, hough most aggressive last.
Your tank though so good luck. that stuff is only advice so take it as lightly as you will.
For what is is worth, of the 4 fish I have, the PB is the second least aggressive. The lemon peel angel and lunare wrasse are far more aggressive. I guess there is variation within any species. But, I have owned naso's and yellows as well as the PB, and the PB was the least aggressive of the 3.


I have a PB. Can become very territorial. You may have to move some rockwork if you add more fish.


Thanks for the good opinions , this will help in making a decision . I might not add any other fish other than the PB , not sure yet . But i guarantee it will be cared for and QT before it ever sees my display tank .... cheers