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anyone got any suggestions for another 1 or 2 med-large size fish if i take out 2 dwarf angels ?
would love to get a trigger but i cant becasue of the lionfish.Not sure about a butterfly , spoken to lots of people who have had nothing but trouble with them.
BTLD reef , i think i remember you saying that you have 2 tangs ?? perhaps i could get both the purple and yellow tang if i add them at the same time ?
Yes, I do have two Tangs in my tank. I have a Sailfin and a Blonde Naso. The Blonde Naso will not be able to stay in it forever though, and I know this. When I upgrade tanks after my house is done and I move, he will be going to a friend that has a 400G setup.
You can have two tangs, but a Yellow and Purple will probably be an issue. They're both from the Zebrosoma species of tangs (as well as the Scopus and Sailfin tangs) and usually when adding more than one of the same species there is an increased risk of aggression.
I would do either the Yellow OR the Purple tang (go with the Purple if you can afford it) and then look for a smaller tang such as the Kole or Tomini.
Here's a thought (this is a 180G, right?)
1 Yellow or Purple Tang
2 Dwarf Angelfish (Flame and Coral Beauty would be good since they're different body types and fairly hardy)
1 Kole tang
1 Tomini Tang
1 Lionfish
1 Snowflake or Zebra Eel (since you had this in your original list)
You might want to also consider a Foxface or a larger wrasse such as a Bird Wrasse, Bluehead, Lunar, etc