Powder Blue Tang


I have a Naso Tang and a Red Sea Sailfinn tang in my 150. I got the Sailfinn from a friend who had a yellow tang That tried to kill it.lol. I really want a powder Blue tang, and don't know if they are compatable. Anybody know????


I have a Powder Blue Tang, Yellow Tang and 5" Hippo Tang all in the same tank. In the first hour or so after introducing the PBT, EVERY fish in my tank went after it, including my cleaner wrasse. He wasn't trying to clean him, he was attacking. After an hour it calmed down to the occasional spit second chasing, and now all is well. If you have ample hiding spaces for the first few hours, it should be no problem. I've seen other tanks with that combination as well.


I am just scared to death of the powder blue, don't they get ick if you look at them funny??I am just worried that the sailfin tang or the foxface will get after him, and he will get ick. then my whole tank will get it. I only have room for one more fish. Do you ever have any problems with the powder blue and ick??


mystic7, That wouldn't be the Indian Trail where there be a small park for the younger kids in Durham?


I'd say a 150 is a bit small for all three of those fish.
The Powders do tend to get ich easiliy, and the stress will likely be high with those 3 big fish in a 150.
I think the Naso alone should have at least a 180-200 gallon.


my pbt got ich but is better now, he got it because we cleaned the glass and moved some rocks to do it, use garlic in his diet, and make sure its fresh garlic, i got mine from this site and hes doing great. cleaners shrimp are a must they are great to watch with all my fish and help tremendously. also looking into cherrystone clams right now to improve water conditions that you can buy at local superstore that you might want to look into


Active Member
Might work if you do it right and even if you do it right , it might not work. IMO to do it right....any fish can be or get sick, so,
Select as heathy looking and eating PBT and QT it in a decent size, stress free QT tank for about 6 weeks to let the fish regain its immune system so it stands the best chance of survrving the introduction period.
The Introduction....
Remove the other two tangs befor adding the Powder for a few days so there is no aggression and then place them back and hopefully everyone will think its new and not claim the tank. This is just a short explination so think about it....


Very good advice from DogStar.
If you're going to try it follow those steps.
I still think it's risky, but his advice is very good and will give you the best shot at success.


I may get rid of my Naso. He has really grown since i got him. He is now about 10 or 11 inches long with long streamers on his tail. I really feel sorry for him he doesn't really have enough room. I may just get a 220 gallon tank though. I haven't decided yet. You all know you can't get a tank big enough. This hobby is more addictive than drugs. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by I<3Fish
Hey, would you say a Clown or Powder Blue is more hardy? I am trying to decide between the 2. HELP!
I'd say they are about the same as far as hardiness. They can both be touchy at times. Personally, I find the Powder Blue MUCH more attractive, so I'd say Powder Blue all the way!!


Well I like the Clown a little better. LOL. So if they are the same, I guess I will be getting the Clown.


Mine got ick the next day but was eating heartily, plus I have a cleaner wrasse that keeps everybody in top shape.
DME, Indian Trail is a suburb of Charlotte, S.E. of the city, pretty far from Durham.


DME, Indian Trail is a suburb of Charlotte, S.E. of the city, pretty far from Durham.
You can guess why I ask you that for there is an Indian Trail here too in Durham NC that is right next to a golf course and children's playground.


Originally Posted by BigTang803
Good Choice. How about the Achilies, or the sohal Tang, they are both beautiful fish

Clown tangs are as mean as sohols and are hard to get eating. Achilles have a low survival rate and sohols need a huge tank and get evil.
BigTang803: That combination sounds fine. Although dropping the naso would be a big help. I have a powder blue, yellow, and blue hippo tang in my tank. They all get along fine. I recommend doing hypo on any new fish you get, esp the powder blue. Just do it while it is in QT and you won't have an ich problem (assuming ich isn't in your tank already without you knowing).


Originally Posted by I<3Fish
Yeah, thats why I am thinking twice about them.

My brother has a sohal in his tank. It is pretty aggressive. You just can't put any more tangs in there after you put in a sohal. But it is one of my favorites.