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i only feed three times a week...so i feed, monday, wednesday, and friday. i put in a whole algae sheet every day that i feed, along with a cube of rotated frozen (mysis shrimp on monday, prime reef on wednesday, and blood worms on friday)food, a small pinch of Thera+A and a small pinch of prime reef flakes along with the garlic and selcon. sunday i usually will clean out what is left in the algae clip and thats all they get on the weekend. On mondays and fridays i feed the corals.The other fish eat the algae sheet just like the tang, just not as much, thats why i put in a whole sheet. Its usually gone by the time i go to bed at night. I use a small cup to feed. fill the cup a 1/4 of the way with tank water, put the frozen cube in with the pinch of pellets and flakes, 3 drops of garlic xtreme, by kent, and half a dropper of selcon. let the frozen cube melt. while i wait for the cube to melt i dip the algae sheet in the water (already in the clip), folded so it fits in the cup with the selcon and garlic, so it soaks it up while the frozen cube melts.... :joy:.seems to be working for me......
havent lost a fish for ..... :thinking: never mind, knock on wood. dont want to jinx myself :scared: oh garlic boosts immune systems, helps fight disease, selcon is like a one a day vitamin for fish....
I soak the food in Vitachem as well as Selcon. Selcon just provides the fatty acids the fish need as well as 2 vitamins, vit.C and vit. B12. The Vitachem provides all the other vitamins and more.
Although I feed once a day plus nori, I feel i really need to get to where I feed 3 times a week like you do. I just find it hard since when i walk in the room the fish are swimming around like they are really hungry. I know they can go without easily but it's mostly just me.
I feed my fish homemade blends of shrimp, scallops, clam, squid, octopus, carrots, brocolli, selcon, vitachem and fresh garlic. I used to use garlic extreme but after research found that the benefits of garlic only lasts about 30 minutes after extracting from the clove.
I also feed formula 1 and 2 pellets, flake, spirulina, frozen mysis, cyclops.