powder blue tang


Active Member
my new tang is not eating and pretty much stays in the same place most of the day. HE did eat the first day but now he is not. What to do ?


Active Member
I have seweed selects,flake and algea pellets. Also nutrafin marine complete food slow sinking morsels


How big is your tank and how did you acclimate him? Also, what was he like at the LFS when you bought him or did you buy it online?


Active Member
i got him here and he is in a 75, I know I know they need a 100 min, but he is small and should be fine for a while, I am in the process of setting up my 125. He does come out every once in a while and grazes on my lr.


Active Member
hes eating now, guess he just wasn't hungry this morning. He sure does seem to like my gold strip maroon clown, they both hide behind the same rock.

ocean pearl

I need help with a problem I got a powder blue tang and a yellow tang and a blue angel fish can they live together ok

ocean pearl

the blue angel is alot smaller than both the tangs and the angel is kind of picking at the tangs body, they just kind of swim away of move fast to get away, but than other times they will just flote and let the angel pick I have only had them for two days worried if they will be ok.


I have had a blue tang, yellow tang, hippo tang, maroon clown and a blue masked angel in a 90g. for about a year. They are doing great. The maroon is a little territorial but not too bad. They are to the size now that they will not be happy for much longer.
I am in the process of purchasing a 220g perfecto to put the angel and a couple of the tangs in.
My advise to anyone getting into this hobby is to buy no tank smaller than a 90g, preferrably 120g or larger. Everyone always says that they are going to buy a larger tank later, but never do and the fish suffer. I am also guilty of this. Spend the extra $ and do it right. You will be happier and the fish definately will also.


Spankr -
I couldn't have said it better myself! My first salty was a 55gal fish only. I soon realized i needed a bigger tank, so i bought the LFS 200gal display tank.
You're going to love that 220 when you get it set up, good luck!