Powder blue vs. hippo tang


I am currently debating whether to add a hippo or powder blue tang to my 100g fish only tank. No live rock present. I currently have a purple tang, a nasotang, and 3 damsels. They all get along quite well. The tank has been established for 10 months. Any recommendations?

here fishy

I would go with the hippo as I have heard that both powders and Purple tangs are dominant. My purple tang is very much so. The Hippo will need some rock to hide in as they like to lie on their sides some. The thing with tangs is sometimes you can put more than one in a tank and they get along and sometimes they don't. I had a sohal and naso that got along quite well. Both tangs you are looking at can get ich easily so if you can soak your food in garlic it will help immensely.
I would go with the P.Blue. I had a hippo once and it was nerve racking to watch. It would hide or lay on its side at a drop of a hat.Any sudden movement near the tank (even feeding) would scare him. I really like him but he was like the "odd man out" in the tank. Just my experience. Im sure there are people out there who had the opposite happen. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


garlic is a natural immune booster that will help them fight off an infection as to how to do it there are several ways that I have heard of but I have never used them I get foods that are already treated with immune boosters.
from what I have taken is that you get garlic extract and before feeding soak the fook in it so it can absorb it and then feed normally. maybe someone else can elaborate on it alittle bit more for ya..