powder blue with ich


New Member
hello all i have a powder blue with ich that i want to remove from my 110 reef and place in the Q tank..each day he looks a lil better and continues to feed normally so im not sure if i should give him a chance to overcome the ich on his own or put him through the strees of the move to Q tank. i think i introduced the ich when i added some xenia from the lfs. i also have a 9 watt uv running on the reef. would appreciate any suggestions. thanks .


Active Member
hi , welcome to the boards!
first off, you may have better luck getting an answer on the disease forum.
second, it may be near impossible to get the fish out of your established tank.
are you sure its ich (most likely is)? have other fish in your reef had it before?
what are your tank parameters? do you have a test kit to test them?
although unlikely it came in with new coral, it is quite possible. another reason was that it was already in your tank , and something is stressing the tang to the point of being succeptible. when was the tang added? was he quarantined?
If its the first wave of ick, it will be small, dissappear, and then come back with a vengeance. if he has had it for a while and is getting better, i would try to leave him be


New Member
The Hippo And Chromis Had Signs Of Ich Also But Seem To Have Shaken It,,the Powder Blue Is Having A Harder Time,,hes New To The Tank,about Three Weeks And Was In A Q Tank With Copper Before The Main Tank. Water Is Perfect And Lots Of Alge He Grazes On All Day. I Cant Say For Sure The Ich Came In On The Zenia Rock But All Was Good Until It Was Added.the Lfs Had The Xenia In A Nano Tank With Two Clown Fish. O Well I Will Give Him Some Time Since He Is Still Feeding. This Is My First Posting On This Great Site,,thanksfor The Advice


Active Member
try adding some garlic to the food to keep him eating. either fresh or Kent garlic extreme for example. it also may boost the immune system. was he in your QT tank, or the fish stores? Copper is a tricky thing because at too low of a level, it does nothing, and too high it will nuke the fish. do some research on Hyposalinity, also found in the disease FAQs, for future reference. the best sure is prevention.


New Member
I Use Organicure In My 10 Gallon Q Tank But I Felt This Was To Small For The Tang And The Lfs Was Treating With Cooper For Two Weeks Before It Was Brought Home. I Am Setting Up A 55 Gallon Q Tank Next Weekend So I Can Start Over If The Powder Blue Doesnt Improve And Past Experience With Ich And Tangs Tells Me I Will Be Needing To Start Over. I Quess The Fish Is The More Likley Source Of The Ich


Active Member
if the fish dies, i would try to catch your other fish and put them in the cycled 55. leave them in their for 6 weeks with no substrate or LR or any other calcerous material as the ich in your DT dies out. then re-acclimate them to your DT, and for any new fish, perform Hypo. forget copper, its the way of the past. Hypo is the only way to beat it. also take the UV off your DT and put it on the QT tank if the tang doesnt make it.


New Member
I Read Somewhere That The Large Public Aquariums Use The Hypo Method Because It Is So Effective. I Will Definitly Try It And Thanx Again