Originally Posted by
hi guys,
sorry to desagree, any tank under 100gal. is to small for any tang! volume is the key in keeping tangs, angels and b/flies . not only because the swimming area but sudden changes in parameters = ph, temp,etc. yes they will be ok for a while in a small tank but imo , why gamble?(rick)
Even for a yellow tang?? I have a 90 gallon with a ytang, snowflake eel, purple dottyback, porc puffer, and a niger trigger. They do great together. I've seen thread upon thread with 55, 60 gallons with all kinds of tangs in reefs or whatever, and everyone's like, "Awesome, great tank, man!" all over the place. Sometimes, IMO, you just never know what you're gonna get. Some tangs do great in tanks under a 100 gallons, and some don't. Really, you can say any tank in ANYONE'S house is too small, because it's smaller than the ocean! It just depends how far with your arguement you really want to go. I think if any fish had an option as to a tank in someones living room and the ocean, they would pick the latter. So, if they look healthy and happy in my 90 gallon, and seem happy, then by golly, they are good to go!!
Not trying to start an arguement or anything, just my opinion on things!! :joy: