Powder Brown Tang and Cooperband Butterfly


New Member
Hi guys
I have just introduced a cooperband butterfly to my tank today. My Powder brown tang will not leave it alone, keeps chasing after him
I dont want my new butterfly to get stressed and die as i am aware these are sometimes hard fish to get to eat.
My other tank mates seem ok with him:
1 Picasso Trigger
1 Porcupine Puffer
1 True clown
1 Lawnmower Blemmie
1 Blue damsel
All my fish have eaten but not the butterfly


New Member
Thanks for the replys, they seem to have calmed down abit. The lights are out now and the butterfly is swimming around abit better, the tang was nasty earlier and made the butterfly stay in one corner. Hopefully now the lights are out he might settle in. The butterfly hasnt eaten yet, but has picked at the floor maybe found some left overs. I think they will sort out there territories but i am worried about the butterfly not eating as i know there fussy eaters and stress wont be helping.
The foods i do feed my fish is varied day to day
Fresh mussle and prawn for the puffer and trigger
Frozen marine mix, frozen brine shrimp, Marine flake ocasinaly for the others


Active Member
copperbands are very passive and delicate fish. putting it in an aggressive tank may not have been the best move. good luck though. try feeding it live clams. crack open the shell and let him pick it them.


New Member
I agree with with where Renegade was heading. If I add a fish and it begins to be picked on, I will cover the entire tank with a banket for one to two days. Slowly bring light back into the picture and most squabbles are over.


Active Member
What size tank are these fish in? If they are in a sufficiently large tank, the butterfly may be able to avoid the aggression and stake out it's own spot. If the tank is too small then the butterfly will be under almost constant stress from the aggressive tang.
On another note, this is a very strange stock list. Your tank looks like an aggressive tank but the lawnmower blenny and the true clown would appear to be at risk, along with the butterfly. A powder brown, porcupine puffer and picasso trigger are pretty aggressive fish. If it were me, I'd choose between a community and an aggressive tank. If you go community, then the trigger, puffer and possibly tang should go. If you choose aggressive then the blenny, clown and butterfly do not fit.
I think this stock list is destined to fail as time passes. JMO.


New Member
Good news, the butterfly has had some frozen marine mix today. The tang has left him alone today but i will keep monitering this. My LFS said if i had any problems to take the butterfly back, but i am alot happier today. The butterfly looks like he has his own area of the tank.


New Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I think this stock list is destined to fail as time passes. JMO.

I am possibaly thinking of removing the puffer, i feel he maybe too aggressive, he is always hungry but he always get feed twice aday. He helped himself to my clown last night which i was disapointed about, he does not get on with the trigger neither.
My LFS does not open till wednesday but i might trade him back in and get another clown
The trigger has caused no problems and my tang and butterfly are bigger than the trigger.
If i trade my puffer in, would these be ok:
1 Picasso Trigger
1 True Clown (New due to casualty)
1 Blue damsel (Possibale Removal)
1 Powder brown tang
1 Cooperband
1 Blemmie
1 Sand siffting gobie (Not got yet)
Plus any other suggestions
Thanks in advance for all the advice


New Member
Originally Posted by txfishman
tank size?
200 Litres, with filtration enough for 300 Litres.
I am upgrading my tank in the next six months, when i move house i am thinking of a 6ft tank
My LFS said my stock level i have is ok, they have the best reputation in my area.


Everyone is going to tell you that your tank is to small for the fish you have.
I do not know what size your fish are, but in my opinion that is why the tang was picking on the butterfly.


Active Member
as stated above...your tank is to small...tangs are open water swimmers and need ample room to roam...also the picasso trigger can get up to 12 inches or more and are extremely agressive...not to mention the porc puffer...i would take these fish back to the fish store if you can...


Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
as stated above...your tank is to small...tangs are open water swimmers and need ample room to roam...also the picasso trigger can get up to 12 inches or more and are extremely agressive...not to mention the porc puffer...i would take these fish back to the fish store if you can...
I would not return them to the store, since you are going to go move them into a 6 foot long tank. Hopefully yur new tank will be around 400 Litres. Do look into better filtration than what you are currently running. I have two filters that are rated for 300 Litres each (total of 600 Litres). Maybe you could double your filtration.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gtfc1984
200 Litres, with filtration enough for 300 Litres.
I am upgrading my tank in the next six months, when i move house i am thinking of a 6ft tank
My LFS said my stock level i have is ok, they have the best reputation in my area.
Sorry, your lfs is way off base; but its their job to sell fish. Your tank isn't big enough for any tang or a grown porcupine puffer or a grown picasso (he will turn very aggressive) or a grown copperband; all of these together is really a huge problem in the making. Any good book on SW fishkeeping will confirm this. You're headed for a major disaster if you keep stocking like this. You have a small tank and should stick to small fish. BTW, many tangs will be quite aggressive toward new fish and, as said above, CBs will not last long in a crowded tank with lots of aggression or even too much activity.