Powder Brown Tang


Anybody have one ?
Likes/dislikes ?
Are they ich magnets too? (like my hippo)
I purchased one today and left him at the LFS. Eventually he will be going into a 75gal with a Blue Hippo Tang.
Actually I bought a Powder Brown about 2 months back ,acclimated him for about 3 hours and he died after putting him in the tank after about 2 hours,so this is the replacement fish. The guy at the lfs would have given me full store credit too..I elected to try again
I would love to hear from those who have or have had these fish and give me their thoughts.


I'm a little worried that once your brown gets used to his new tank, he is going to bother the heck out of your hippo. Powder blues and browns can get a little territorial even in big tanks. But, the fact that your blue is already in the tank might even the playing field. There are folks who have kept several tangs together, with little problems, so it might not be anything to worry about.
Once you add him into your 75, keep an eye on them. You can expect the first day or so to see them posturing and looking agressive. That is to be expected. But if that continues for days, or one is really getting the heck beat out of him, then you will need to have a plan b in order...
Good luck. They are really awesome looking fish huh!


Originally Posted by 1boatnut
Anybody have one ?
Likes/dislikes ?
Are they ich magnets too? (like my hippo)
I purchased one today and left him at the LFS. Eventually he will be going into a 75gal with a Blue Hippo Tang.
Actually I bought a Powder Brown about 2 months back ,acclimated him for about 3 hours and he died after putting him in the tank after about 2 hours,so this is the replacement fish. The guy at the lfs would have given me full store credit too..I elected to try again
I would love to hear from those who have or have had these fish and give me their thoughts.
Tangs are very likely to come in with ich. Do you have a qt tank? I have to say that a powder brown and a blue hippo in a 75 will need an upgrade to a 125. If the ast one died within two hours of placing him in your tank then something is wrong. What are your water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, SG, and temp? How much rock do you have? How old is this system? Again, do you have a qt tank?


Originally Posted by Dinogeorge
I'm a little worried that once your brown gets used to his new tank, he is going to bother the heck out of your hippo. Powder blues and browns can get a little territorial even in big tanks. But, the fact that your blue is already in the tank might even the playing field. There are folks who have kept several tangs together, with little problems, so it might not be anything to worry about.
Once you add him into your 75, keep an eye on them. You can expect the first day or so to see them posturing and looking agressive. That is to be expected. But if that continues for days, or one is really getting the heck beat out of him, then you will need to have a plan b in order...
Good luck. They are really awesome looking fish huh!
Actually the Blue Hippo is currently in a 29gal and currently doing hypo for Ich. The Powder Brown was going to go into a 20 gal QT tank and when my 75 is ready I planned to put them in at the same time,in hopes nobody would have a specific territory


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Tangs are very likely to come in with ich. Do you have a qt tank? I have to say that a powder brown and a blue hippo in a 75 will need an upgrade to a 125. If the ast one died within two hours of placing him in your tank then something is wrong. What are your water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, SG, and temp? How much rock do you have? How old is this system? Again, do you have a qt tank?
Yes I do.
I really don't think my parameters were a problem as the Hippo,Ocelerous Clown,2 Green Chromis and purple pseudochromis were all in the tank and all are OK.
The Hippo and pseudochromis came down with Ich about a week after the Powder Brown died. At the time I did not have a QT tank in place,but he came from a LFS who had him for a few weeks and runs copper in his tanks. I think the possibility of the Brown going into thee tank with the Hippo maybe stressed the Hippo and started the Ich cycle.
I think there may have been a problem with the Brown as I thought he was dead on the ride home and didn't look that good during acclimation. After 3 hours of drip acclimation,he looked better.
PH = 8.3
Ammomia = 0
Nitrite =0
Temp 78
SA = 1.09(currently doing hypo) was 1.23 at the time of death
The system is only about 3 months old,with about 20lbs or so of live rock.It's only a 29 but I have a 75 that I'm re-finishing the stand before I set it up and move them.
Pic of the 29



Also I was kinda hoping that according to some sites they are supposed to be peaceful,although moderate care level.
Here is where I read about them being Ich magnets

This site actually states its a very passive fish that will have trouble with other agressive Tangs(which so far my Hippo Yellow Belly is not)
All this is why I was hoping to get info from those who have/had them


Originally Posted by 1boatnut
Anybody have one ?
Likes/dislikes ?
Are they ich magnets too? (like my hippo)
I purchased one today and left him at the LFS. Eventually he will be going into a 75gal with a Blue Hippo Tang.
Actually I bought a Powder Brown about 2 months back ,acclimated him for about 3 hours and he died after putting him in the tank after about 2 hours,so this is the replacement fish. The guy at the lfs would have given me full store credit too..I elected to try again
I would love to hear from those who have or have had these fish and give me their thoughts.
i have a powder brown with a kole tang and their both beautiful and intresting fish to watc swim. i am currently fighting off ick but they seem to be doing very well wish me luck. i have noticed though that the neon gobies i have in the tank with them seem to keep it underr control


Yes I do.
I really don't think my parameters were a problem as the Hippo,Ocelerous Clown,2 Green Chromis and purple pseudochromis were all in the tank and all are OK.
The Hippo and pseudochromis came down with Ich about a week after the Powder Brown died. At the time I did not have a QT tank in place,but he came from a LFS who had him for a few weeks and runs copper in his tanks. I think the possibility of the Brown going into thee tank with the Hippo maybe stressed the Hippo and started the Ich cycle.
I think there may have been a problem with the Brown as I thought he was dead on the ride home and didn't look that good during acclimation. After 3 hours of drip acclimation,he looked better.
PH = 8.3
Ammomia = 0
Nitrite =0
Temp 78
SA = 1.09(currently doing hypo) was 1.23 at the time of death
The system is only about 3 months old,with about 20lbs or so of live rock.It's only a 29 but I have a 75 that I'm re-finishing the stand before I set it up and move them.
Pic of the 29
You just set up the 75? Did you ever get the ich out of the 29? Ich does not spontaneously erupt from a stressed fsh. It is a parasite that has been in there. Move your rocks and inverts and hypo the 29. Don't add more fish yet. If you already bought the fish then have them keep him for the durration of your hypo. The display will need to be without fish in case any ich is laying on the rock. Hypo will take 4-5 weeks. If you move them all into the 75 then you will have ich in there. Please start fresh, without ich in your tank.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
You just set up the 75? Did you ever get the ich out of the 29? Ich does not spontaneously erupt from a stressed fsh. It is a parasite that has been in there. Move your rocks and inverts and hypo the 29. Don't add more fish yet. If you already bought the fish then have them keep him for the durration of your hypo. The display will need to be without fish in case any ich is laying on the rock. Hypo will take 4-5 weeks. If you move them all into the 75 then you will have ich in there. Please start fresh, without ich in your tank.
The 75 is Not up yet.
They are already in the 29 doing hypo.
I did a (wrong) thing ,but I hypoed the entire tank including the rock.If Ich is on the rock I assume at 1.09 it died along with what was on the fish
Unfortunately I assume it can return when I start to raise the salinity back in the 29 as it has not been fishless.
In the same tank were an Ocelerous Clown and 2 Green Chromis that did not contract Ich. The Tang was the worse and the pseudochromis had just a couple of spots on his lower fins.
At the time I had no place to move the fish.
The Powder Brown is still at the store. I asked him to keep it for me for a couple of weeks.When/if I do get the Brown,it will go in a 20 galQT tank,after the 75 is up to speed,then I will put it in there along with the Hippo,pseudochromis and the Clown.
Does that sound like a viable plan?


Originally Posted by nate487
i have a powder brown with a kole tang and their both beautiful and intresting fish to watc swim. i am currently fighting off ick but they seem to be doing very well wish me luck. i have noticed though that the neon gobies i have in the tank with them seem to keep it underr control
How long have you had these fish?
How old is your set-up ?
Did you introduce anything into the tank and then notice Ich?
Have the Kole and Brown been together for awhile?
It is my understanding Gobies body types are more resilliant (sp)to Ich


I just put a kole, sailfin, and powder brown in my 75 display, and after two days, the powder brown is being territorial. He leaves the kole alone completely, yet seems aggressive towards the smaller sailfin. I think he should be fine with the hippo, considering the different body type and color.


Originally Posted by 1boatnut
The 75 is Not up yet.
They are already in the 29 doing hypo.
I did a (wrong) thing ,but I hypoed the entire tank including the rock.If Ich is on the rock I assume at 1.09 it died along with what was on the fish
Unfortunately I assume it can return when I start to raise the salinity back in the 29 as it has not been fishless.
In the same tank were an Ocelerous Clown and 2 Green Chromis that did not contract Ich. The Tang was the worse and the pseudochromis had just a couple of spots on his lower fins.
At the time I had no place to move the fish.
The Powder Brown is still at the store. I asked him to keep it for me for a couple of weeks.When/if I do get the Brown,it will go in a 20 galQT tank,after the 75 is up to speed,then I will put it in there along with the Hippo,pseudochromis and the Clown.
Does that sound like a viable plan?
Just so that I fully understand the situation, you hypod all of the rock in your 29? If it was a full hypo then you should be okay. Did you wait for three or more weeks after the last sign of ich was gone before raising the SG or did you count three weeks from the beginning? You did not have to move your fish, but the rock should have been moved. What is done is done though. If your hypo was short then I would be concerned because of the large amount of calcerous material for the ich to burrow into. Ich can survive a short hypo in a sand bed. If rock was there then you may want to add your now base rock to the 75. The 75 will be fishless for a few weeks while it cycles. Ich cannot live without a host. Keep a close eye on your fish in the 29.


do hypo for 6 weeks, my PBT showed signs of ich about a week after i bought it.
leave the DT fishless for the same time, and leave the salinity alone. if you lower it you will kill your LR and anything in it.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Just so that I fully understand the situation, you hypod all of the rock in your 29? If it was a full hypo then you should be okay. Did you wait for three or more weeks after the last sign of ich was gone before raising the SG or did you count three weeks from the beginning? You did not have to move your fish, but the rock should have been moved. What is done is done though. If your hypo was short then I would be concerned because of the large amount of calcerous material for the ich to burrow into. Ich can survive a short hypo in a sand bed. If rock was there then you may want to add your now base rock to the 75. The 75 will be fishless for a few weeks while it cycles. Ich cannot live without a host. Keep a close eye on your fish in the 29.
Yes I did hypo on the entire tank,rock and all.
I started to lower the salinity on 9-15-07,and didn't really have it down to 1.09 until the 19th. The Ich looked good on the pseudo around the 12th and almost gone around the 28th on both fish.
I am now just starting to SLOWLY raise the salinity. I started that process on the 20th of this month.
To date I have gone from the 1.09 to about 1.13, and so far all looks Ok.
My delay is that I am trying to find the time to re-finish the stand for the 75,and also TRYING to find the ideal location in our home to place it.Wife says she doesn't want tanks all over the house

I currently have 4 tanks running from a 20 gal to a 125 gallonn,so the 75 needs to find it's way from the garage to the proper place inside.

Thanks for all the imput.
I did (for now) take a pass on the Powder Brown. Who knows,maybe once everything is up and running properly,I'll re-think the Brown.


I just want to chime in with some helpful info. The time in hypo starts when the ich falls off the fish not when you reach 1.009. So four to six weeks after the last sight of ich. With all the rock and sand...I'd have to go longer. I think you might be rushing it a little and possibly have to start all over here shortly. Keeping the fish at that low of salinity doesn't hurt anything and is actually easier on the fish because they use less energy excreting salt out of their bodies. Hope this helps.


Originally Posted by Stanton
I just want to chime in with some helpful info. The time in hypo starts when the ich falls off the fish not when you reach 1.009. So four to six weeks after the last sight of ich. With all the rock and sand...I'd have to go longer. I think you might be rushing it a little and possibly have to start all over here shortly. Keeping the fish at that low of salinity doesn't hurt anything and is actually easier on the fish because they use less energy excreting salt out of their bodies. Hope this helps.

Well I'm only at 1.12 or 1.13 so far from the 1.09.
Should I just leave it there for another week and see what happens?
Should I lower it back to 1.09


I would lower it back down because there might not have been enough time to kill all the tomonts in the sand and rock. Test have shown that the tomont stage (reproducing) can live quite a while in the substrate. Thats where the four to six weeks at 1.009 comes into play...all the killing happens below 1.010. I'll send you a link with some good info on it and let you decide how you want to handle it. I've made the mistake of getting in a rush and thinking I had killed all the ich and had to start all over again. A real bummer. Hope this helps.


Thanks,I appreciate it.
I kinda just messed up on the dates. I'm in no rush and would prefer not to have to do this again,at least this soon.