Powder Brown vs. Powder Blue.


I really want my Tang to be a Powder Blue!!! I've been warned of Ich and I'm wondering if the Powder Brown is just as susceptible or hardier. Appreciate the info. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


If you are breaking in your tank, or are used to damsels go for neiher. Without algae no tamg will survive well. but that's somethimg else. If your not reefing, go for a grouper. :)


I am reefing and it will be the last fish that I decide to put in a 100 gallon tank. It will be a very stable environment before I put this guy in. I've just been told the Blues are susceptible to Ich and I wondered the same of the Browns. All cautions exercised. ;)


Ok, I'd go for the powder blue, or maybe a schoo; of hippos. I had a brown, not very hardy compared to hippos. Never had a blue yet.
If you CAN keep them two weeks with no major additions or changs, ie.tangs, you can forget about ich IMO. That is for a LR TANK.


Originally posted by sheni_angel:
<strong>You can have a school of Hippos?</strong><hr></blockquote>
i THINK SO. i WOULD SAY A TANK OF 125+ is required tho at tye least for 3. I haven't had them, only a single long ago lived any time for me (1 year?).


Yes and no. You could prolly cram two tangs in a 45 of diferent genera, but depending on the keeper it would be risky. In a 125-150, you coul dput 3-5 yellow tangs. Provide that the keeper knowa whats up. I'd say 3 hippos or even 4- would work in a 150.
The aquarist would need to be experience probably.


I'd go with the pblue tho (your origiinal question). I've yet to own a powder blue, have had a powder brown. My fish seemed much more delicate than a hippo/Regal.
Powder blues are gorgeous too, more so than the powder brown imo.


Active Member
browns are hardier than blues...there are exceptions to this, but generally browns are MUCH hardier than blues as far as ich. Tangs are very susceptible to ich. The PBlue is considered the most susceptible. I have a PBlue and he is AWESOME! LOVE HIM! I don't have a brown. Hippos are also very susceptible to ich. I'm not sure what klee meant by saying with LR you can't get ich. There is ZERO evidence that prooves that statement. With a very large tank you can keep more than one tang that look alike. In just a 100 you really can not keep 2 tangs that look alike. You could do one purple tang and 1 Pblue or p brown. or 1 yellow tang and a pblue/brown. They have to have different body shapes. Good Luck!


I said with LR, I haven't had it (ich).
And actually there is some prrof that LR reduces pathazoans(sp)? Its common sense if you think about filter feeders and larvae of pathagens in saltwater (for all intents plankton). The Filter feeders in LR eat them.


I dunno about high numbers, but twois not good in less than a 125 no matterwhat tand, they are all m ed-large fish. I'd say 4 or more would be better in a 150 or two from different species in less than a 100.


Active Member
in very large tanks, and a 100 is just ovver hte size that you should have for a pb(either one), any tang, should have 75 gallons of water for 1, and multiples, need much more room, especially the larger ones,
and that almost makes sense, about the ick, but i have seen many cases, wher they have contracted ick, with lr, so even though it makes sense, i would not want to put any money on the table, you can look through old posts and find lots of references to hippos or otheer tangs, scratching against the lr(most of htese have resulted in ick )


Active Member
Powder blues are pretty hardy once established. Sheni you said with all precautions. If you quarantine all your fish first, dont over crowd,and keep your water clean, you should have no problem. Overcrowding, dirty water (high nitrates over 10)will stress the fish. Not quarantining or cuttung the quarantine time short will also decrease your chances of success with a powder blue. I have had mine for a year and a half and he is doing great.


I have a 92 gallon bow front and in it I have 3 perc clowns and 2 hippo tangs. All the fish seem to be doing great and my levels are all perfect. The hippo tangs in particular get along great with each other. one will not come out of hiding unless the other does. they really stick together. the only problem i had was that they came down with ich when i first put them in my tank. they are being treated with hypo right now and seem to be getting better.


Thanks for the info on the PB, Jimi. That's what I was hoping to hear. I also planned on introducing him last or next to.
Is this an O.k list? I really want a
1)Royal Gramma
2)Yellow head or Pearly Jaw
3)Bangaii Cardinal
4)Flame Angel
5)Perc clown
6)Powder Blue
in a 100 or 125 tank. I know there's a lot to the Mandarins, but would you preview this list? I realize I'm sort of changing the subject, but it does entail a PB next to last.
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