Power Brown Tang Or Not?


I have what the store said a white face tang put if I look in the books and internet it is a prower brown tang and they said there is a differant between the two fish.
If so why is saltwater fish saying something differant too?
The picture you show is a white face tang in the books a Acanthurus japonicus.
The ones in the books show a power brown only shows a small white patch under the eyes is a Acanthurus nigricans here is the site that shows them.
I am only asking not starting anything I like to know what I have that is all so I know how to take care of it please.


From what I understand, the powder brown tang (white face tang) is acanthurus japonicus. The gold rim tang (white cheek tang) is acanthurus nigricans. The difference lies in the size of the white spot on their face, with japonicus having the larger and more prominent marking of the two. At least that's what I've been able to determine.


Active Member
SWF has the photo and scientific names right. ( but they list the care level of the A. nigricans as EASY !!! )....The Book Marine fishes has the photo and scientific names right also but the rest of the info is messed up or crossed up. WWM is also correct. IMO, should never use the common names with these 2 species, just two confusing unless you are familar with the differences. Both are often called PBT or GRT. Another way to tell is the stripe on the tail fin.
The A. japonicus is the most hardiest of the two with the A. nigricans rarely surviving long.
I hope I have this right and not confused myself, I have been befor. haha


here is a powder brown (acanthurus japonicus)
if yours looks like this then that is what you got. Nice fish i love mine


Originally Posted by Pallan
here is a powder brown (acanthurus japonicus)
if yours looks like this then that is what you got. Nice fish i love mine
I am sorry to say it does not look like that.The books and all the others call that a White face Tang not a power brown.
If you go to the link I have to wetweb media I shows the pic of mine as Gold-Rimmed powder brown on the left pic with a small white spot under the eyes.


A powder brown tang is a white face tang both names are the common name for A. japonicus. Like I said in my previous post. You cannot get tangled up with common names. Each locality has their own names for the fish that reside in their waters.



Originally Posted by mbrennan
A powder brown tang is a
white face tang both names are the common name for A. japonicus. Like I said in my previous post. You cannot get tangled up with common names. Each locality has their own names for the fish that reside in their waters.
Thank you mbrennan for your help and everyone put as everyone said it is a had fish to keep and last night I looked it died it was eating good but as I looked very close it had ich.
I could not catch to but him in the QT.
So is there tangs that are more easy to take care of?


Originally Posted by fishtk75
I am sorry to say it does not look like that.The books and all the others call that a White face Tang not a power brown.
If you go to the link I have to wetweb media I shows the pic of mine as Gold-Rimmed powder brown on the left pic with a small white spot under the eyes.
then you had (sorry to hear about the loss) a gold rimmed or white cheek or Acanthurus nigricans
from what i understand harder to keep then the other version I took this from your link (not my words credit goes to the author)
A. japonicus is a far better aquarium fish; A. nigricans rarely lives for more than a few months in captivity.
again sorry to hear about the loss, dont give up on the browns just look for a white face one this time


When you put your tang in a QT what beside HYPO do you use in the tank as the the brand I see alot out in the stores one says this one says it beter then that brand so you use what and how it works for you?


Originally Posted by fishtk75
When you put your tang in a QT what beside HYPO do you use in the tank as the the brand I see alot out in the stores one says this one says it beter then that brand so you use what and how it works for you?
im not sure what killed yours othar than the possibility that as the author of that article stated they just dont live long in captivity.
for QT i would advise looking at the desease forum and following those QT procedures. no need to treat him unless he shows sign of desease or parasite. just leave in QT for standard amount of time to insure yourself he does not have any desease before putting himm into display.