Power Compacts vs. T5


New Member
So, I can't seem to get a straight answer. I currently have 2 Corallife Lunar Aqualights on my 125 gal. reef tank (4x96watts x 2 fixtures=768 watts). I want to replace my pc's with t5 retro kits (so I can install directly onto my cabinet hood). How many bulbs would be equivalent to the light output on my power compacts? I have a mixed reef tank with Acros and SPS corals. They are all doing well, but I need to cut the energy consumption of my system. How many bulbs would I need (most likely 4 ft. staggered bulbs)? Thank you for the advice!


Active Member
I would go with 12 individually reflected bulbs, that would be far more light than what you are currently getting with the PC's but its more in line for the lighting requirements for keeping SPS corals. You could also go with 3 MH bulbs as they are more effiecent than the PC's also.


New Member
heat is also a consideration, the hood has clearance for the PC fixture only, no risers, etc. So, 12 t5 bulbs would equal the 8 PC bulbs I currently have?
I shot right in the middle. When I bought my tank I bought a single T5 HO light from GLO. I knew that it wasn't going to be enough but it carried me through my cycle. I put the light on ---- and ordered the Current USA Outer Orbit lighting setup.
It has both the T5 actinic and daylight plus a MH with moonlight. I wanted to have the proper lighting for whatever I put in my tank so my answer is MH or MULTIPLE T5's to carry the lighting required.


Active Member
It would exceed your current setup by quite a bit. T5's generate a fair amount of heat themselves not sure if it is as much as MH's but it will definetly be more than your PC's. As far as clearance goes my Retrofit MH fixture doesn't take up anymore space than a PC fixture would
and fans will probably be needed with both T5's and MH's.


Active Member
T5's dont generate anywhere near the heat of a MH..all my MH lights the heat was ALOT under the bulb and you wouldnt dare touch a lit bulb..my T5HO light i can touch the bulbs after a few hours being on and it doesnt even feel all that hot and the temp right under the light isnt much and at the water level i can barely feel the heat.
I would think 8 36" bulbs would do the trick for you or 10 if you want.
Also 12 T5 bulbs would BLOW away your 8PC bulbs..hell I think 6-8 good quality bulbs like ATI Blue+ would be more light then all those PC bulbs


I think smoe people use too much light IMO. I have a 120g 48 x 24 x 24, and use an 8 bulb retro and double bulb standard flourecent that has a couple 420 actinic bulbs. That puts me at 512 watts, and just over 4 watts per gallon .The retro has a mix of uvl and ati bulbs, and my corals do great