Power Head Behind Live Rock ?


I've had high nitrates for 2 yrs now. They measure 25 on a salifert test kit. I'm probably feeding to much, but I've got this sailfin tang & shes such a hog the other fish don't get much. The only place in my tank that might need circulation would be behind the live rock. Does anybody else have a power head blowing behind their lr? My tank is a 120 long, with 5 power heads already. I change water every 2 weeks ( 21 gal ), every week when the traits go higher.Ideas?


I just recently re stacked all of my live rock (about 140 lbs in my 90) I placed an extra powerhead back behind my live rock to get circulation through my whole tank. I have it on a timer with my lights so it is not on 24/7 and does not get as "gunked up". It has been about a month and no probs so far. :joy:


I had a small powerhead blowing behind my rocks as well. As long as you are careful not to have it too low so that it's blowing your sand, I think it definately couldn't hurt.
Mine kept the water moving just enough so everything didn't accumulate back there and become a detrius trap.


Active Member
Most of my tanks have M-J900's mounted behind the LR. I aim them so that the stream is blowing "Up" the back wall instead of blowing horizontal, this way you can put them at the very bottom of the tank. This creats an upwelling effect. I also have them on timers

40 galons

i have a single mj1200 on my 58 gallon . works very well . mine is pointed straight across the back blowing straight from one side to the other. it gets pretty gunked up , but after a while something will knock the stuff loose so i never have cleaned it. its been in there for about 8 monthes. i think ill have a look at it tomorrow. thanks for reminding me....lol


Active Member
I too have MJ900's on my 46bow. I placed mine on the center back wall and aimed one to the front left corner and the other to the front right corner. They are both aimed about 30 degrees up so that I get surface movement. I also have a fluval 305 canister that does 260gph from the back right wall. I think it gives me a total of 720 gph flow. I've often thought about adding a smaller ph lower in the back that would help circulate behind the LR. My LR is set up pretty good with lots of holes to help not form a solid wall. I think I have pretty good flow as is, but I may add a smaller MJ someday behind the rock. My fear is of cluttering it up with PH's and the heater.


Active Member
I try to hide ALL PH's in my tanks whenever possible. Heaters in sum or behind rocks too. Its all personal prefference but I hate seeing any equipment when possible. Just make sure the pickups are covered and you put them somewhere you can clean them from time to time.


Active Member
in my 30g i have two maxi jet 600's and one 900 and everything seems to like it...i think you can put a powerhead anywhere and as long as it isn't blowing stuff around like crazy then it can only help things out...


I have one maxi900 mounted upside down behind my rock. It is attached to a pvc spraybar that blows into the back of the rock and its inlet is attached to a black hose I ran up and out from behind and made a slide on fitting for the original maxi strainer to fit on. I clean the inlet once a week and it blows all the gunk out from behind my rock. By the way, the suction cups don't hold well so I glued it on with aquarium sealant.