power head bubbles?



I have been reading the threads for new information, but I am definatley a new hobbyist. Are powerheads not supposed to push out bubbles? I though oxygen was a good thing...I have two powerheads, one set with constant bubbles and the other pushes out bubbles in bursts? Turn them down?


Active Member
You should remove the airline from the powerheads. Bubbles are no good in a saltwater tank. They can burn your fish's gills.


I pulled the air tubes to my powerheads. You do not need the bubbles. Anyways it makes the tank look less attractive IMO


Active Member
bubbles really just look bad in a tank. They may (debatable) cause fish to stress out. They also may get caught under a coral and could be bad. If you turn them down do the bubbles stop? What kind of ph?


I am also in the process of changing out my puka shell crushed coral bed with dry sand for the "look" of it. I still want to use my underground filter through the power heads (all my LR is in the middle of the tank on top of the filters) I will just replace the gravel with sand along the sides. Am I asking for long term nitrate problems with this line of reasoning? I just don't want to upset the current environ. and fishies.
our" 55 gallon tank Started 2-4-2007, "with (2) Penguin powerheads, undergravel filter, Aqua Tech 30/60 power filter hanging on the back, full fluorescent light hood.
78 degrees, hydrometer reads 1.020 salinity, Instant Ocean OceanMaster test kit: alkalinity 10, ph 8.2, no amonia, nitrate 10, low range nitrite .2
Fish: from the beginning (2) blue chromies, (2) three stripe blk/wh damsels, Fish added 2-22-07,
(2) percula clownfish, (1) sailfin blackblenny atrosalarias fuscus, (1) yellow ritteri anemone, Kenya tree coral, 8 snails, and a chocolate chip starfish.
25 pounds of live rock on a crushed coral bed.