I am also in the process of changing out my puka shell crushed coral bed with dry sand for the "look" of it. I still want to use my underground filter through the power heads (all my LR is in the middle of the tank on top of the filters) I will just replace the gravel with sand along the sides. Am I asking for long term nitrate problems with this line of reasoning? I just don't want to upset the current environ. and fishies.
our" 55 gallon tank Started 2-4-2007, "with (2) Penguin powerheads, undergravel filter, Aqua Tech 30/60 power filter hanging on the back, full fluorescent light hood.
78 degrees, hydrometer reads 1.020 salinity, Instant Ocean OceanMaster test kit: alkalinity 10, ph 8.2, no amonia, nitrate 10, low range nitrite .2
Fish: from the beginning (2) blue chromies, (2) three stripe blk/wh damsels, Fish added 2-22-07, (2) percula clownfish, (1) sailfin blackblenny atrosalarias fuscus, (1) yellow ritteri anemone, Kenya tree coral, 8 snails, and a chocolate chip starfish.
25 pounds of live rock on a crushed coral bed.