Power head cover for anemone


New Member
Originally Posted by pepito113 http:///t/383897/power-head-cover-for-anemone#post_3361872
So its been 2 days and my anemone is hiding in a cave looking hole. I can barely see it. And There isnt much light in there because I need a flashligh to see it in there. Do you guys think it will move any more. I know anemone need light. But in that hole it isnt get any. What should I do?
I have the same issue with my anemone, it settled in a tight space and its not getting much light at all. I tried moving it without hurting its foot but did not succed. Its been in this crevice for 2 weeks and doesnt look like its going anywhere.At the same time I have two Percula clowns and because of where the anemone has place itself they dont even know its there.
Did you figure out or receive a solution to your problem?


well Mine has moved a little to where it gets light. Not my best choice but I dont want to move 50lbs of rock to move it... i guess its happy since it hasnt moved. A option is to get the rock its on and move it more or less where u want it.. But it can move again


Active Member
As it get hungry it will again begin to move around the tank in search for light and food. Just give it time.