Power Head Help


I purchased a power head for my JBJ nanocube 12 gallon. I noticed it was making a slight noise, which I believe to be air bubbles coming from it. This may seem like an extremely stupid question, but I heard that small air bubbles can effect salt water fish, is this true? Also, would this noise disturb my livestock?


Active Member
is there air tapped inside of it still or is it too close to the surface of the water?


Well, I don't think it was too close to the surface, because it was over halfway down the tank. I removed it until I've decided what to do, but I filled a small bucket with salt water and ran it, and it still makes that sound. There could be air still stuck in it... Do you think the sound or air would irritate the fish?


Active Member
i dont think it would irritate them...but air bubbles may be bad. are you sure when you put it in that you got all the air out? or are all the parts in correctly?


I'm not sure how else I'd empty out the air except for running it, and I've taken it apart and it seems to fit the diagram properly..


Active Member
thats weird...im not really familiar with this sort of problem so im not alot of help...maybe someone else can help that knows more about it than i do.


it is one of them that has the air line conection on it? if it does and its not pluged it could be your problem


I've gone over the instructions several times, and it doesn't mention anything about an air line, nor do I see a spot for one on it. I'm heading to bed though, so if anyone has any suggestions, please continue to post, but seeing as how this isn't that urgent, it's ok the just let the thread die. I think I'm going to mess with it again tomorrow and see what I can come up with.


Sounds like something's off with the impeller (sp?). I'd take a close look to make sure nothing's cracked.