Power HEad Question


New Member
I currently am using Penguin Power heads (4 for my 100 gal tank). I am looking for a powerhead that lets you control not only air/water mixture (which mine does now) but the flow rate as well. You inow, so when I feed the fish i can turn the flow rate down, rather than unplugging it.
Any help you can offer would be great.



Originally posted by dr_buddah
I currently am using Penguin Power heads (4 for my 100 gal tank). I am looking for a powerhead that lets you control not only air/water mixture (which mine does now) but the flow rate as well. You inow, so when I feed the fish i can turn the flow rate down, rather than unplugging it.
Any help you can offer would be great.

With the Aquaclears, you can regulate flow but you'd be getting wet everytime you adjusted them. It'd be a royal pain in the keyster.


Active Member

Originally posted by dr_buddah
I currently am using Penguin Power heads (4 for my 100 gal tank). I am looking for a powerhead that lets you control not only air/water mixture (which mine does now) but the flow rate as well. You inow, so when I feed the fish i can turn the flow rate down, rather than unplugging it.
Any help you can offer would be great.

The 802's allow you to do both. I usually turn my Powerheads off at night to simulate calm seas... Turning them off one per hour with the change of lights on timers (before the moon-lites kick on).. This is usually when I feed them.. I would hate the thought of adjusting my powerheads evertime I wanted to feed them... just my suggestion though..


Active Member
I agree with the earlier responses. I can't think of any powerheads that you can use that you wouldn't have to stick your hand in the tank to adjust the flow. There are timers you can get that automatically turn the powerheads on and off but that's about it.


New Member
Well, Seeing as I am a Mechanical Engineer student, I may look into this, design, and build. It just kind of makes sense to be able to adjust the flowrate.



Originally posted by dr_buddah
Well, Seeing as I am a Mechanical Engineer student, I may look into this, design, and build. It just kind of makes sense to be able to adjust the flowrate.

The key would be to have the control external to the tank. The base of the Aquaclears rotate to adjust flow but you be sticking your arm in the tank, every time, for each one.


New Member
Yeah, I fugure a dial type fixture, that can control the speed of the motor. I think that would Work! Dont steal my idea Im gonna patent it and sell it to all of you for millions!!!


New Member
well... you can go to radio shack or some other electrical store to buy a small swith.... those ususally see from table lamps... and install it in the electric cord whichever the part is easier for you to reach... so you can turn it off with out unplugging it



Originally posted by Roy123
well... you can go to radio shack or some other electrical store to buy a small swith.... those ususally see from table lamps... and install it in the electric cord whichever the part is easier for you to reach... so you can turn it off with out unplugging it

OK Roy, we got the on-off portion figgered out, now how about controling the flow ? How about engineering a dimmer switch on it ? Huh, Huh ?????


New Member
Im all over the controlling the flow rate.
How does $150 per powe head sound toy ou guys? Im gonna be rich!!!


Active Member
How about connecting a potentiometer to the mix? Regulate the voltage to the pwerhead, inturn slowing it down.


New Member
I just talked with my buddy here at Lawrence Tech, Who happens to be a Electrical Engineering Student. He said the same thin you did about that potentiometer. We are going to modify mine this may once classes calm down for a bit.