power head question


My power head (I bought it with a used tank-I have no idea what brand it is) has an air intake. Should I hook up the air line to it? When I do, the tank becomes filled with tiny bubbles and air gets trapped under the rock.


Active Member
if you are just using it as circulation, leave it off. it might be a rio 600 or 800 that was designed to feed a protein skimmer. you will be fine leaving it off as long as you arent hooking a skimmer up to it!
good luck


As usual, very wise counsel jonthefb.
So how does aeration occur in the tank? Through the protien skimmer?


Active Member
thats probably the biggest way oxygen is dissolved in the tank, it also helps to have lots of algae, and by this i mean caulerpa and coralline because the major byproduct of their photosynthesis is oxygen that becomes dissolved in the water, which allows fish to respire! good circulation also helps with oxygenation, this is why with one of my powerheads, i try to aim it at the surface to agitate the surface water, and dissolve oxygen there as well.
good luck bud
p.s. are you at auburn right now?


What does Caulerpa look like? Being the newbie, I am just getting the hang of this whole thing.
No, I am not at Auburn anymore. I graduated a while back ('94). I am a pastor in Plainview Texas at a Bible Church. I loved my days at Auburn. Don't make it back much anymore, but I really want to make it for a football game. As we were watching the game Saturday night (vs. Syracuse) she said she really wants to go for a game sometime soon (what a better way to warm a man's heart??).
You familiar with Auburn? You've gotten me on a topic I could ramble on for days....besides theology.


If you need some caulerpa, I'll send ya some! My two ecosytem filters have it in the main compartment, and once a week I have to rip out a ton of it before it overgrows the livingroom! We have mexican and grape.
Heres a photo of a cutting we planted in the main tank. We only have a photo of the Mexican, I'll work on taking a photo of the grape.


Active Member
caulerpa is a macroalgae that grows on reef/snad areas in the ocean. it is not a true plant, although it does look very similar to one. its great food for tangs, angels, etc, and also does a great job in the export of nutrients, which is why many reefers use it in refugiums.
no i am not farmiliar with auburn, i just ahve a buddy from high school that is going there now. i was just thinking you were a college studnet liek myself, and was interested in what your major was, etc. but thats cool. i wish that i sttended a larger university, but this one fits nicely i guess
good luck


Musipilot, would you send me some if I paid shipping? I'm setting up a new refugium for my 200gal and I'm hoping to get some growing soon. My tangs won't take the Seaweed Selects, and I really need to get some veggies in them. I'm hoping they'll take the caulerpa. Going to try nori until I get some macros growing in the refugium.