Power Head


Are power heads necessary for corals? I have a kenya tree and it is wilting a little. I plan on keeping softies and see that most people use on in their tank. Will using one be beneficial? If so, can someone recommend an affordable one for a 10 gallon.
Also, will they raise the temp in my tank? temps are running now between 78 - 80 and would like to stay in this range. Thanks


Active Member
no they shouldnt change temp in tank.
Yes it will benefit the tank by creating a gentle flow through the tank and reducing spots where algea can grow so easy. If theres a walmart close to you, a simple Powerhead from Walmart has something like 110-160 Gallon per hour. Should be perfect for your needs around 15 bucks


Active Member
yes your gonna want a powerhead. the prefered turnover rate is 15-30X in yor tank so for a 10 gal i would go for like a 200 or 300 gph powerhead. you can pick up a cheap one for like 18$ but lots of people would say buy a maxi-jet 900 or 1200. these are only like $24-$28 and are suposedly well worth the money. also depending on the coral you would want to put it either in direct flow of the powerhead so that it gets a lot, but some corals prefer a slow flow and should be kept away from powerheads. you can research your corals on this sight. also your corals might be doing bad due to bad lighting. what kind of lighting do you have in your tank?


I have 36 watts (2 of those 18w Aqualight Mini PCs). So this should give me 3.6 watts per gallon. My kenya tree was doing great at first, but on day 4 it went kinda limp. It still opened up and extended, but had a small white patch on it. I dripped acclimated for an hour before placing it in the tank, so I do not know if maybe I did not do a good job and it is in shock. Right now its high up on the LR, near the lighting and in good flow conditions. I think I will head to walmart soon, but do not know if I have ever seen them carrying power heads in my area. Thanks.


Active Member
Just responded to your other thread...
Id go with a maxijet. Well worth the investment. For a 10, id get a maxi 1200, and get a hydro flo deflector.