Power Heads...which do you like?


Just wondering what kinds you guys like...im picking up two new ones and wanted to get some opinions. thanks


Active Member
I have had great success with MaxiJets. And they are pretty reasonably priced. I would steer clear of Rio pumps and powerheads. I used to work at an LFS and we had several people come in and complain about them. Ive never had this happen to me, but, I repeatedly hear: when and if they seize up on you, the motor doesnt just burn out like other pumps. Since they are oil cooled, sometimes Rio's will release all the oil into the water when they seize up. In turn, your entire tank will probably die. I do like the maxijets though. And as far as pumps, I like Magdrives. :cool:


Active Member
I have six different maxi jet powerheades and 3 mag drive pumps. All have been great and have nevr had a problem starting up and are very quiet. The MAgs do put out a little so I run them outside of the sump through a bulk head but other than that for the price its a great pump.


I have not heard of maxijet!! Can anyone tell me about them?? I don't think that they are avaliable in my area (toronto)