power heads?


Right now I have two Aqua-Tech 170 gph power heads and 2 Emperor 400 and a Prizm protein skimmer on my 125 gal tank. My ?s are:
1. Do I need more powerheads and how many?
2. Where should I place the powerheads in the tank?
3. Should I be running them with the little air tube in or block it off with the little caps that come with it? (with the air tubes in I get tons of tiny bubbles over everything)
Right now I am recovering from a crash so I only have LR/LS in the tank and a couple of shrimp that made it through the crash but once I get things back to normal I would like to add corals.
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
You want a minimum of 10x turnover and place the powerheads so you have no deadspots in the tank. Block off the venturi's as it will only contribute to salt creep.
Meaning at minimum you want 1250 gph turnover of water. Personally mine is at better than 20 and I am still not sure I have gotten rid of all the dead spots.


From what I have read here on this board and reading you want to shoot for at least a 15x-20X turnover this includes mag drives power heads etc. Place the powerheads and check so you don't have any stagnant or dead spots within the tank. Powerheads can be directed towards the glass or each other to create some turbulence. You want to try to avoid dead spots as that could cause undesirable algae growth. IMO don't use the air tubes supplied its almost the same as putting a air stone in the tank which is not good. Goodluck:happyfish