Power Heads


Hello we have just setup a new 58gal tank and were wondering about power heads. If you were going to put one in this tank what are the top three brands we should look at and what size 580gph? Also if we just got one I thought I read that there is a item u can place on the output jet to make the water go in random directions to get water flow into most areas of the tank. If so what is it called and where would we get it? And since I am new to saltwater I was wondering if someone could list what all the Water Parameters should be. We plan on having Fuji Live rock, ricordias, mushrooms and fish in the tank as well as the clean up crew. Thanks for any info you all can provide.


Active Member
You aren't going to get any top 3 from me.
ONLY choice for basic powerheads IMO... Maxi Jet. I've tried many others and all fail rather quickly compared to MJs.
Flow wise... 500+ GPH is a lot for one powerhead, unless you are talking about a Tunze or an Ecotech, both of which cost hundreds each.
I'd use two Maxi Jet 1200s, giving about 300gph each.
The random unit you are talking about is made by Hydor and is called a FLO. It fits right on the outflow of your powerhead and revolves. Unfortunately they cause a dramatic reduction in flow; but that said I still use them, and they work fairly well, and are certainly cheap.
The other thing you can do if you know your way around a workshop is modify a Maxi Jet to run as a propeller style unit, which will give you TONS of flow, but you can't put one of the hydors on that. Search thes forums for "MJ Mods" or "Maxi Jet Mods" and you'll find several topics on these. There are whole kits you can buy to do this.


Ok I found those at a couple places as well as here and found the Flo items as well. Are the Maxi jet 1200's going to take up much space in the tank? And should I get the flo devices for just one or both of them? Also with all those living things I listed what should the water temp be running at? 79-82? It looks like it sits around 81 and then 82 with the lights on is this ok?


Active Member
I have two Maxi Jets in my 55g reef tank and they don't take up much room. They are about the size of a closed fist. I keep mine in the upper front corners of both sides, attached to the sides of the tank.
Are you running a reef or a fish only? If you are running a reef, 82 is on the high side. I'd say it's right at the danger level if not a tad over. I have my heaters set to 77. My chiller kicks in at 80 and kicks off at 78.
I'd plan to never let it get above 80. You probably don't need a chiller though. If you sit at 82, then a couple fans blowing across the surface to encourage evaporation will probably solve your problem (provided the room temperature is below 80 at all times).
Of course, if you are running a fish only, then 82 is fine.
In both cases, what's more important is that the temperature stays stable. These animals come from one of the most stable ecosystems on earth. The temperature in your aquarium should not change by more than 2 degrees each day.


My wife is worried that with two power heads that the fish will get stressed out while trying to sleep with all that current going on in the tank. I don't know much about saltwater so is this something we need to worry about?


Active Member
You can also put the powerheads on timers so they shut off at night if you are worried about it.
Just a note about power heads...make sure you have guards on the intake. Even with the guards provided with them, I have had 2 anemones caught in them; both died. I saved my foxface when he got caught against one too. He didn't really get sucked in, more like stuck sideways on the guard.
I think that I have found a good solution for mine. My husband makes boat canvas for motor yachts & does some upholstery from time to time. He has some foam that is called open cell foam so water runs right thru it. It is pretty stiff stuff & I am sure it won't collapse. I need to make sure it will be safe in the tank first. My plan is to use 2" squares & cut an X thru it & slip it over the intake. The foam will need to be cleaned off from time to time but it will be worth it to have no more fatalities. If someone else wants to trade zoos or something else for some of the foam, send an email. It is only sold in 8' sheets as far as I know so it is probably not economical for most people to buy it.


Ok ordering the two maxi jets now with the Flo devices for them. Do I need to put a piece of foam on the intake or are the fish and snails going to be ok without it? Do the Flo devices easly hook onto it or do I have to do some work? And if you put your up in the front of the tank what do you do with the cords to make it look neat and tidy?


Active Member
The FLO units just stick onto the Maxi Jet's output pipe. It's really simple. They come with adapters to fit many different powerheads. There is one that fits the maxi-jets just perfectly.
IMO you don't need anything other than the guard that comes with the powerheads in most cases. I have Maxi Jets in my reef with 2 anemones and have never had a problem, but I would certainly have one if they chose to get too close. If you don't have anemones, you should be fine. Any healthy fish will be able to free himself if he gets stuck. The main problem with intake sponges or foam is that it's a means to high nitrate problems in the system as aerobic bacteria grow like crazy in them.... so if you do use them be sure to take them off and rinse them thorougly in RODI water once a week or so.
The cords on mine run up into my canopy. I have a couple of stainless steel screws in the canopy just above the powerheads. I "hook" the cord up over the screw so it helps to take the weight of the powerheads, as the suction cups don't hold very well.


Thanks for all the help. We don't have a canopy though maybe we will put them in the back of the tank, will have to see. They should be here in 2-3 days. :joy: