Power Heads


My other levels are 8.2 ph, alk is nomral, nitate is 0, nitite is below 10, and ammonia is 0.25.


All of my levels within normal ranges except for ammonia, PH 8.2, Alk within normal range, Nitite and Nitate ( one of them is 0, the other is less than .10), ammonia is .25, what should I do to get this down. Tank has been cycling for 3 weeks now and my Power Heads are on the top rim of the tank, where the jet streams cross over top of the LR. (55 gal with wet/dry with bio balls/sump, 2 402 pow. heads, 55 lbs LR, 60 lbs LS, berlin skimmer). Should I move the pheads down inside the tank or does it matter? , when can I start to add some inverts?


Active Member
Having powerheads and good water circulation is essential for a cycling or established tank.
It's not safe to add anything else to the tank until
Ammonia = 0.0
Nitrite = 0.0
pH is between 8.0 - 8.3
And your tank's other parameters are steady.
You MUST wait until the cycle finishes.
Rushing at this point is a common thing for us to do - but must be avoided.
Patience and going slowly = avoiding problems