Power is out...


ive got PG&E turnin my power off tommorow...for about 5-10 hours
What effects are my corals going to experience?
this is my 125 LPS..w/ a couple sps..


Active Member
If my power was out for 5-10 hours I'd come back to a dead tank. A lot depends on how packed your tank is and how hot/cold it is in your area. At the very least get some battery operated air pumps like they sell at fishing stores for bait buckets.


i have 2 battery backup air pumps, because within living at my new house for 6 months my power has been off twice, once for 10 hours, once for 18 hours....
if you get a generator you would need a decent surge protector, because a generator produces a crude current, not a steady current that comes out of the wall, so if you didnt have a good surge protector you would probably fry all your pumps...atleast to the best of my knowladge, something to think about


Active Member
I would definitly RENT a generator from home depot or lowes. that would cost you like 30 some dollars for 24 hours. don't even risk it.
I asked for a generator for christmas because our power goes out alot. although, has'nt gone since i got it, figures huh.
Its only 30-40 dollars as opposed to only having one of your corals die.


Great advice! I ran my 65 and 11 gl tanks on battery ops air pumps for 4 days and lost nothing...some zoos were very stressed but really that was it.
The generator thing is true....be carefull it will burn out pumps. My Seio burned out from a generator. The air pumps are like 1 for every 10gls is what you need. I live in Hurricane country and lose power for days each year and it always works


New Member
We had this problem and my lfs told me to go get hot hands (like a heating pad that you shake and hold in your hands to warm them in the winter) and tripple bag them with ziplocks and float them in the water with air pumps to keep the water temp up. It worked wonders. Make sure your tripple or quad bag them if you use this method. Don't want to run the risk of leakage. Good Luck


water temp shouldnt go down that much. I would be more worried about oxygen levels dropping in the tank. definitly go with the air pumps and i guess you could rent a generator. good luck


Active Member
Just because your power comes out of a wall don;t assume it does not surge or fluctuate. Generators once loaded with whatever load is placed on them are pretty darn stable in producing a steady output of current. Loads fluctuate all day and night when on the grid. JUst rent a portable gen set and plug everything into it, and be done with it. up to 10 hours is llong time without power in any tank.
If nothing more, I would wrap the tank with a blanket opr two to retain as much heat as possible, and use a battery operated air pump. They can get by for that period of time without lights.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Just because your power comes out of a wall don;t assume it does not surge or fluctuate.
This is very true. I'm a network admin and work closely together with the systems admin. He has the Sun servers setup to log brown-outs & black-outs. You get more brown-out's than you think you do.