POWER OUT ?? what would you do....??


Active Member
Back up supply. I lost power on Saturday for an hour and a half. My back up didn't work because I forgot I blew a fuse. And I forgot to buy one. OOPS.


Active Member
You could syphon the water into a container to just above the rock/corals and the with a pot ect. scoop water from one end and pour it hard back in to the other end bout every ten minutes or so. as far as temp. you can float a bag of ice to keep it cool but not sure how to keep it warm.


we had a power outtage about a month ago, I was scared to death for my tank! hubby had the setup hooked up to battery backup...was fantastic. We had 2 ready to go..one already hooked...lasted 2 1/2 hours...the 2nd one was on and power came on after about 4 total hours....we kept heater, powerheads and filter running..turned off skimmer and lights...worked like a charm for that shorter time but I think we are going to get a generator as well....


Active Member
go to walmart, get the biggest car battery you can find, and a converter so you can plug everything in, then jsut return it after
Thats not my idea by the way, i read it somewhere else on these posts, unfortunatly i dont remember who they are so i cant give them credit. So i didnt think of it, but i wish i did!-


Active Member
I agree with the power inverter idea.
Another source you may not have thought of is your favorite auto parts store. I bought one there that will carry 400watts for $30.00. That will move a lot of water and run a little light. (or run most all of my VHO's) Your tank heaters are probably less than that also.
Just another thought.

the claw

Active Member
I tried stirring, but that gets old at about hour 12. Mostly waht I did was fish all of my dead critters out. :mad:


you can get those little battery powered air pumps in the fishing section of Academy or Walmart to keep the oxygen level up...but for a longer outage, better to have a better plan.