Power outage-20 hours of hell!


New Member
My goodness - lots of posts! Thanks so much for all the messages! The 'crunch 'em up' heat packs are great ideas!!!!!!
I had thought about the battery operated air pump. The dreaded ***** had some but they were closed due to power outages too!
Everybody remember to not run their generators inside - 23 people have died in KS due to them doing this. sometimes people do the stupidest things!
Never thought about all the gas pumps at the gas stations being out of service since they run on electricity too...
When we spoke to a real live human being at the power company about the predicament we were told that is the 'risk you take' when you have pets like this. I guarantee no one has ever said anything like this to 'normal' people who have only dogs/cats!


New Member
Man, sorry to hear about the losses. I was lucky in that my house got spared in this mess. The homes on the oppiste side of the street were out for 4 days and just got thier power back late last night. Believe me, every time I heard a tranformer explode (quite often) or a big tree come down (even more often) I thought it would be the end. Now if can get over this head cold from cutting broken limbs from my yard...


New Member
Does anyone know if Lawrence or the Kansas City area has a local club? I would like to meet some of you in this area.


New Member
we just went through a 5 day power outage. i don't yet have an aquarium.. still doing the research. but have had a few freshwaters in the past. I lost my Betta because of temps. The unfortunate thing is i live in indiana and the power company here isn't exactly the quickest when it comes to getting me back online. Lost power for 3 days last summer. so if anyone can offer some advise as to what to do for prolonged outages please let me know