Power Outage killed pump


We had a storm last night that kept turning the power on and off.... and I think fried my pump. Woke up to find my wet/dry full of water and my tank down about two inches. Everything that was attached to the power strip works great- except the pump. Tried to fix it this AM (managed to give myself a good shock). I couldn't get it up and going. I am going to get a new pump after work, but am wondering if my tank will be ok until then? I put an extra powerhead in to keep the water moving. Any suggestions, thoughts?


Active Member
You DEFINATLEY want to look into a GFCI circuit breaker or power strip..
You could have caused serious injury to yourself including death.
Do yourself a favor and get one...you lucked out this time...but do you want to play Russian roullete?
If you got shocked chances are the pump is bad, maybe a power surge when it came back on.
What kind of pump is it?


sometimes my dolphin won't come back on when the power goes out. If I unplug it, turn the impeller by hand, then plug it back in it starts.


I totally agree with you! Trust me- I have been taught a good lesson. Luckily for me, my dad was able to get it going again. I will for sure be looking into ways not to let this happen again!!! Thanks!


Like sw65galma asked, what kind of pump is it? I'm sure many of us would like to know. In my case I have a Velocity T-3 external pump, and I have to tear it apart about 4 times per year to clean calcium deposits off of the titanium inside. Many things can get into our pumps like small snails, calcium deposits, and other debris..