Power Outages Rule!!!!


Active Member
Howdy there,
Well, as some of you know...I'm only 13, which means I should be in school right now! WRONG!!!! Last night, we had wind gusts over 60 mph...and my school's power is out! But mine isn't, not at my mom's or my dad's! I'm sooooo happy!!!
***) :happyfish


Active Member
Power Outages suck! If my power goes out it may just screw up sump! I just tweaked it excellent on Friday, one little touch could make the sump go crazy and flood.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Power Outages suck! If my power goes out it may just screw up sump! I just tweaked it excellent on Friday, one little touch could make the sump go crazy and flood.
LOL...this is true. However, if you ever get a new all-glass aquarium with a built in mega-flow overflow, it will only drain back so far, and stop. So it doesnt flood! Isn't that awesome?

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Power Outages suck! If my power goes out it may just screw up sump! I just tweaked it excellent on Friday, one little touch could make the sump go crazy and flood.
If that's the case you need to figure out your problem. A sump/overflow should handle a power outage and restart with no problems. I know you've gone crazy getting this setup, if you need more help with it let me know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
If that's the case you need to figure out your problem. A sump/overflow should handle a power outage and restart with no problems. I know you've gone crazy getting this setup, if you need more help with it let me know.
No its just the siphon that goes in the the back overflow box (U-Tubes). I have a back up drain on it. SO one bulkhead is shorter then the other. When the water drains out of the box then air will get into the tubes, when the power gets back on I have start sucking the air out of the tubes everytime the power goes out! And if I'm not home the sump will drain into my display tank and overflow. As long as there are no power outages I'm fine.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
No its just the siphon that goes in the the back overflow box (U-Tubes). I have a back up drain on it. SO one bulkhead is shorter then the other. When the water drains out of the box then air will get into the tubes, when the power gets back on I have start sucking the air out of the tubes everytime the power goes out! And if I'm not home the sump will drain into my display tank and overflow. As long as there are no power outages I'm fine.
Sounds to me like you need to make the U-tube longer, it must Always be lower on BOTH sides than the drain tubing. Did that make sence to you. Throw up a good pic of your overflow that show both the drains and the U-tubes.