California didn't you guys have rolling brown outs because the utility company wasn't aloud to raise rates? I thought the utility company made up a shortage and punished everyone. I could be wrong. I work for a company that makes engine protection modules for generators. We love storms,earthquakes and corrupt utility companies. The bottom line about a generator, UPS, solar, and or battery back up is not that the power never goes off or storms don't happen here or it's never below 75F in the keys. The fact of the matter remains is when does death occur in a saltwater system and how much will that cost you? I have no generator back up. I have two clowns,bi-colored angle,fire shrimp,banded coral shrimp and an anemone. We are only talking about $80-100 to me it's worth the risk. Now if my tank was like some of the reef tanks pictured in the photography section. I may be not willing to take a risk. $500.00 or less can get a home depot generator that would run the necessary loads on a tank to prevent death. Run a extension cord to the back yard pull the cord and start turning stuff on. Simple. You could get into a auto-mains failure unit with an auto start generator for $1200.00 DIY- $10,000+. It all about the risk. Warm beer, no TV and watching my fish die has a price. What is your price?