Power Outages


What provisions has anyone made for power outages? We are getting to the busy part of hurricane season and I am just curios as to what might happen should be power go out for a long time. I would assume the only thing that I would really be lacking that I would need is circulation. The lights and skimmer shouldn't be a big deal if it is only temporary. Could I just stir up the water occasionally to try and oxygenate it? I don't have too much in yet but I would be heartbroken if my power went out and I couldn't do anything. I have seen battery operated pumps, any opinions on them? BTW a generator is probably out of the question. So that is not an option.


i bought two of those batt operated pumps, cant hurt, also look at computer battery back up systems to run your powerheads. some of them run for four hours or so. just check the power the put out to insure they can run your powerheads. i have one that puts out enough to run my ph for two hrs.


Why is a generator out of the question??
I picked up 2 6500 watt generators for about $450 each. My reasoning was not just fish related.. lol.. but my thoughts were - 1 to run heavy appliances (oven and a/c system) - while i can activate 3-4 circuits in the hous as well. So while everyone else's power is out - i can turn my lights on, watch tv.. have the fish tank up.. even cook and turnt he a/c on :) lol
You can likely buy a used generator cheaper - $150 or so - check your local trading posts.
Keep in mind, if you have $2000-$3000 invested in livestock - corals, fish and such - a $200 generator investment is a small price to pay for insurance against power outages. Depends on the size of ur tank and investment.
Battery powered poweheads definately cannot hurt - at least you can keep buying batteries


New Member
I have roughly $12,000 invested in my tanks and you can bet I have a generator ready to go the very second the power goes out here. :D
Portable generators don't cost too much (depending on what size and what type of motor you're looking at). We had our generator wired directly into our home so if the power goes out the generator comes on automatically even if no one is here.


I just have some spare airline in the drawer, when the hurricane knocks the power out, I give each kid a 6 foot length and tell them if they stop blowing they suffer the same fate as the fish :) LOL sorry just couldn't resist :D

p fish

I have one of the computer battery backup systems, one of the big ones and it works perfect, I had one run for about 6 hours once, just power heads........


The reason a generator is out of the question is because of where I live. If my power is out for a hurricane then most likely, because of my house being just near all of them, it is full of the Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River, and Lake Pontchartrain. i suppose if it was only the Gulf water I could just open the door and let them swim around in the garage;) When I'm talking about flooding I'm not talking about kicking around getting you feet wet I'm talking about a few feet worth and there would likely be nowhere to put a generator as I don't plan to get on the roof during the hurricane. I also would not in all likelyhood bestaying in my house as I have a little baby at the moment. I guess my question really should have been would my tank be ok if the power was out for say a week without any circulation. I suspect not. I know the LR and LS would continue to provide filtration but with no water movement that as well as gas exchange/oxygenation would suffer.


Wow. I was in Boston for hurricane Bob many years ago. I live in NYC. I can't imagine being on the front lines of a hurricane. Must be some pretty nice things about living where you live to balance out the possibility of being flooded by the Gulf, the Mississippi and Lake can't-remember-how-to-spell-it.
And you won't even be there to oversee the tank? Hmmm....


My lfs carries a battery operated pump that plugs into wall and when electricity goes out if automatically turns on.I bought a generator for the major outages,i'm going to get one of those for when i'm gone for a whole day or so it only costs $15.00.I will never get caught in the situation i did 2 years ago power out for 7 days lost 2 fish luckly,but it stressed me out thank goodness for a kerosine heater and battery operated pump.I went and bought generator when shipment came in got it home and power came on 15 minutes later oh well i'm ready next time.


Daisy actually I wonder why I am living here other than family. But seeing a hurricane up close and personal is a pretty amazing thing though not one I hope to be doing anytime soon.



Originally posted by MelbourneFL
I just have some spare airline in the drawer, when the hurricane knocks the power out, I give each kid a 6 foot length and tell them if they stop blowing they suffer the same fate as the fish :) LOL sorry just couldn't resist :D

ROFLMAO.. i love it!!! Laugh of the day.. LOL
you get to wear the clown feet today melbourne :) lol
I think i can afford the air hoses - i'm just not sure i can afford the kids.. lol The model i have is only 15months old - can't quite handle air hoses. ALTHO he did just learn to suck thru a straw the other day. hmmmmmmm


Active Member
Originally posted by MelbourneFL
I just have some spare airline in the drawer, when the hurricane knocks the power out, I give each kid a 6 foot length and tell them if they stop blowing they suffer the same fate as the fish :) LOL sorry just couldn't resist :D
I would think that blowing air into the tank would just be blowing CO2 into the tank since out lungs remove most ot the O2. Not to be mean but just in case you thought of doing it.


If a Hurricane does come through, just come on up to BR. I've got a tank, my friends got a tank, and his friends got a tank. I'm sure we can work something out. Unless of course BR goes to hell in a hand basket as well. Those shrooms are ready by the way.


I have a couple of the battery operated air pumps and always make sure that there is a supply of fresh batteries packaged. The longest our power ever went out for was 8 hours and one set of batteries was still enough when the power went back on.
I think they cost about $10 each. I've also seen some that you plug in an outlet that kick on when the power in the outlet kicks off. Those cost $12 mail order.